The Deadliest Road in the U.S was Named This Illinois Interstate

Traveling on America’s highways can be dangerous, especially on some of the most hazardous roads in the country. Recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System, analyzed by Finder, reveals that certain roads have an unusually high incidence of fatal accidents. Interstate 24 (I-24) is one such road.

What is I-24?

I-24 is a major interstate highway that covers a distance of 316.4 miles, connecting the states of Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia. This highway plays a crucial role in linking some of the most significant cities, including Nashville, Chattanooga, Clarksville, and Paducah, along its route. Additionally, I-24 passes through several significant bodies of water, such as the Ohio River, the Cumberland River, and the Tennessee River.

Why is I-24 so dangerous?

Finder’s study reveals that in 2019, I-24 witnessed 39 fatal accidents, which translates to 12.3 fatal accidents per 100 miles. This puts it at the fifth spot in the list of the most hazardous extended roads in the United States and the top-ranked perilous road in Illinois. A multitude of factors is responsible for this elevated fatality rate.

Speeding: One of the most common causes of fatal accidents is speeding, which is a major concern on I-24. With a speed limit of 70 mph in many sections, drivers who exceed this limit or travel too fast for the current road conditions may be unable to maintain control of their vehicle or react quickly enough to avoid collisions.

Drunk driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol, commonly known as drunk driving, is a major cause of fatal accidents on I-24. According to NHTSA’s 2019 report, alcohol-impaired driving contributed to 26% of all traffic fatalities in Illinois. Alcohol affects drivers’ judgment, vision, coordination, and reaction time, making them more susceptible to causing or being involved in accidents.

Distracted driving: Distracted driving is a rapidly growing problem that poses a serious threat to road safety. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving played a role in 8.5% of fatal crashes in Illinois in 2019. With drivers increasingly using their phones and other devices while driving, this dangerous practice can lead to a lack of focus on the road and failure to respond to traffic signals. Activities such as texting, calling, browsing, or other distractions can significantly increase the risk of accidents and prevent drivers from responding to critical cues.

Weather conditions: Driving on I-24 can become hazardous due to weather conditions, especially during winters or rainy seasons. Snow, ice, fog, rain, and wind can reduce visibility, traction, and vehicle stability, making it difficult for drivers to control or stop their vehicles. Failure to adapt to changing weather conditions can increase the risk of accidents on the road. Therefore, drivers must adjust their driving behavior and speed according to the prevailing weather conditions to ensure a safe and smooth journey.

How can drivers stay safe on I-24?

Taking proactive measures to lower the risk of involvement in fatal accidents on I-24 is crucial, and while certain factors may be beyond individual drivers’ control, there are steps they can take to enhance their safety on this route. Some of these measures include:

Adhering to posted speed limits: It is imperative that drivers adhere to the posted speed limits on I-24 and other roads. They should also exercise caution and reduce their speed when approaching curves, intersections, or congested areas. It is important to note that speeding significantly increases the likelihood and severity of accidents, so it is crucial to drive within the limit.

Avoiding drunk driving: When it comes to driving, it’s important to always prioritize safety. One major aspect of this is avoiding drunk driving at all costs. This means refraining from getting behind the wheel if you’ve consumed alcohol or any other impairing substances. Additionally, it’s crucial to avoid riding with drivers who are under the influence. To ensure a safe ride home, make arrangements for a sober driver or consider alternatives such as public transportation or ride-sharing services if you plan on drinking. Remember, taking these precautionary measures can ultimately save lives and prevent devastating accidents from occurring.

Steering clear of distracted driving:To avoid distracted driving, it is crucial for drivers to maintain focus on the road and keep their hands on the wheel. It is recommended that they do not use phones or any other devices, even if they have hands-free or voice-activated features. Additionally, drivers must avoid activities that divert their attention from driving, such as eating, drinking, or grooming. Ultimately, the safety of all drivers and passengers on the road depends on the driver’s undivided attention while behind the wheel.

Checking weather conditions: Before hitting the road on I-24, it’s important for drivers to check the weather forecast and make adjustments to their travel plans accordingly. If possible, it’s recommended to avoid driving during severe weather conditions or delay the trip until the weather improves. In unavoidable situations, it’s essential to exercise extra caution, maintain a safe following distance, and reduce speed while driving in adverse weather conditions.


To summarize, I-24 plays a crucial role in linking various states and cities in the South and Midwest regions of the US. Unfortunately, it also has a reputation for being one of the most dangerous interstates in the country, with a significantly high number of fatal accidents per 100 miles. The primary reasons behind this alarming statistic include speeding, driving under the influence, distracted driving, and unfavorable weather conditions.

To ensure the safety of themselves and others on the road, individuals who drive on I-24 should be aware of the potential hazards and take necessary precautions. This includes following speed limits, avoiding driving while under the influence, staying focused while behind the wheel, and staying up-to-date with weather conditions. By implementing these measures, drivers can greatly minimize the risk of being involved in a fatal accident on I-24.

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