New York City & Northeast Could Experience First Overnight Frost & Freezes Due to Impending Strong Storm Next Weekend

Possible NYC First Frost Freeze After Next Weekend’s System

Hello there! It’s a pleasure to be talking to you this afternoon. The weather seems to be entering a quieter period as the coastal system has developed well off the coast, avoiding any Nor’easter-type situation. Nonetheless, we have an important system coming up next weekend, irrespective of what form it takes. As we head towards the weekend, we can expect a rather quiet workweek with varying amounts of sunshine and temperatures in the 60s. Towards Thursday, we may experience milder temperatures. However, we must keep an eye on a vigorous front coming out of Canada and energy in the Southeast that could bring about changes.

Should the two weather systems merge, we may experience a potent coastal or near-coastal storm. However, if they remain separate, a robust low-pressure system from the Great Lakes region will still bring in colder air to the Northeast. This could possibly result in the first frosts and freezes in certain parts of the region.


Expect a mix of clouds and sun today, accompanied by a stiff NW flow that will keep temperatures in the upper 50s to near 60. Tomorrow, we can expect winds to subside and more clouds and sun, with highs reaching 60 degrees again.

Tuesday’s weather forecast calls for a mix of clouds and sun with a slight chance of shower. The temperature will remain around 60 degrees. However, Wednesday is expected to be a little warmer with the possibility of reaching 60-65 degrees under full sunshine. Thursday will be even milder, with temperatures possibly in the upper 60s. The next system is expected to arrive soon, bringing a change in weather conditions.

Expect cloud cover to increase on Friday, with a possibility of some showers later in the afternoon or evening. Temperatures will be in the low to mid 60’s.

Due to the unpredictability of the forecast, we have decided to take a break next weekend. However, it is possible that we may experience some rainfall on Saturday.

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