Most New Yorkers Would Never Do What Prince William Just Did

On September 18, 2023, the Prince of Wales made an appearance in New York to meet with the students from the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School who were working on the Billion Oyster Project on Governor’s Island.

Upon arriving in New York on Monday, Prince William did something that most New Yorkers would never consider doing.

Against the stunning backdrop of the Manhattan skyline, the Prince of Wales made quite a splash as he waded into the East River, fully dressed in waders.

During an event organized with the Billion Oyster Project, William did something that most urbanites would avoid at all costs – he walked into the water. The Billion Oyster Project is a non-profit organization with a mission to restore 1 billion oysters to the New York Harbor by 2035.

Agata Poniatowski, the public outreach manager for the Billion Oyster Project, emphasizes the significance of the royal’s presence in the water. She herself accompanied the prince as he waded into the water, and notes that he was genuinely thrilled about the activity.

After their recent swim in the waters of New York, Meghan Markle shared her thoughts on how the presence of royalty can shift perspectives. She expressed her hope that the public would start viewing the water differently, as not just dirty and gross. Instead, they should recognize that it’s swimmable on certain days of the week. According to Markle, Prince Harry’s participation in the swim helped to bring attention to this important issue and promote a change in perspective.

The Prince of Wales walks into the East River.

Checking out the oysters with members of the Billion Oyster Project.

As he steps into the East River, the Prince of Wales makes his way through the cool waters. His presence draws attention from onlookers, who watch in awe as he walks confidently through the river. Despite the surrounding commotion, the Prince remains composed and collected, showing no signs of hesitation or discomfort. His poise and confidence are truly admirable, making him a true role model for all who witness his remarkable feat.

Exploring the oysters alongside fellow Billion Oyster Project members.

On Monday, the royal was taken to Governor’s Island by boat after his commercial flight from the U.K. had just landed. He was accompanied by the organization during this outing.

Following his discussions with restaurateurs, volunteers, staff, and students involved in the project on the island, he proceeded to Brooklyn Bridge Park. There, he had the opportunity to inspect the oysters by taking a dip in the water.

During his visit, he had the opportunity to work with 12-year-old students from Harbor Middle School. Together, they measured the oysters and gained valuable insights into their growth and development.

During a recent visit, the Prince of Wales had an unexpected encounter with a group of middle schoolers. These students were surprised to learn that their “special guest” was actually the Prince himself, as their teacher had kept it a secret. The Prince enjoyed meeting with these young individuals and engaging in conversation with them. It was a truly memorable moment for everyone involved.

As part of his environmental initiative, The Earthshot Prize, the prince is currently in town. The Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit, co-hosted by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Bloomberg Philanthropies, will be unveiling the 15 finalists for this year’s awards on Tuesday.

While in New York, the Prince of Wales took the opportunity to meet with the U.N. secretary-general before the 78th session of the U.N. General Assembly, which coincides with New York Climate Week.

After arriving at Newark airport, the royals expressed their delight in being back in the United States. The statement highlighted their excitement to be in the country once again.

According to him, the American people possess an unparalleled spirit of optimism and resourcefulness. Therefore, it is fitting that the unveiling of this year’s Earthshot finalists takes place in New York City.

On Tuesday, William is scheduled to meet with first responders in Manhattan. Being an emergency first responder himself during his time as a helicopter pilot, the royal is expected to connect with the firefighters and discuss their work and mental health. It will be a great opportunity for William to share his experiences and offer support to those who serve the community on the front lines.

According to a spokesperson from Kensington Palace, it is acknowledged that the upcoming visit of the individual in question is taking place just a few days after the anniversary of September 11th. The spokesperson stated that many of the individuals that the person is scheduled to meet with tomorrow are still grieving and remembering those who were lost during the 9/11 tragedy.

Checking out the oysters with members of the Billion Oyster Project.

Upon touching down at Newark airport, the Prince of Wales expressed his delight at being back in the United States. He remarked that it was “so good” to be back, conveying his enthusiasm for the trip ahead.

Last September, the Prince of Wales had plans to travel to New York, but unfortunately, his trip was canceled due to the passing of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth. As reported by HuffPost, his visit was called off after the monarch’s death.

According to the palace spokesperson, the prince is eagerly looking forward to meeting with the people of New York this week. The spokesperson also expressed appreciation for the understanding shown by the New Yorkers when the prince’s trip was cancelled last year.

According to the spokesperson, the prince had expressed his deep gratitude towards the American people for their love and support during that period. He still holds that gratitude and eagerly anticipates his return to New York this week. His hope is to meet as many New Yorkers as possible and connect with them.

Back in 2014, the Prince of Wales made a visit to New York City alongside his wife, Kate Middleton.

Last year, the Prince and Princess of Wales traveled to the United States, where they made a stop in Boston in November. Their royal tour also included attending the 2022 Earthshot Prize ceremony, which was covered by HuffPost.

In preparation for the upcoming awards show in Boston, Prince William penned an essay exclusively for HuffPost. In the essay, he expressed his unwavering optimism towards the future of our planet, despite the looming threat of climate change. William referred to himself as a “stubborn optimist,” which suggests his firm belief that we can still turn things around and protect the Earth for future generations. The essay highlights his commitment to finding solutions that will make a positive impact on the environment and inspire others to join the cause.

During the time when dire predictions about our natural world were rampant, one individual had a different perspective. He believed that such predictions didn’t have to be our future and that we could change the course of events. He encouraged everyone to be optimistic and support those who were bringing about change. He firmly believed in the power of human ingenuity and urged everyone to do the same. As we navigate through this critical decade, his words still hold true and we can all play a part in shaping a better future for our planet.

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