Investigators discover a trap door at a Bronx day care following a fatal fentanyl exposure

On Thursday, crime scene investigators revisited the Bronx day care center where a tragic incident resulted in the death of a 1-year-old child and left three others injured due to suspected exposure to fentanyl.

On Wednesday night, investigators made a return to the scene and carried out a search warrant to uncover any hidden drugs. During their search, they discovered a trap door located in the apartment’s play area, where a significant amount of fentanyl, along with other narcotics and drug paraphernalia, were found and recovered.

According to the NYPD, a trap floor within the play area of the daycare center yielded a significant cache of fentanyl, as well as other narcotics and drug paraphernalia. The recovery of these items highlights the importance of vigilance in ensuring the safety and well-being of children in our communities.

The New York Police Department, commonly known as NYPD, is one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the world. It is responsible for maintaining law and order in New York City, which is the most populous city in the United States. Founded in 1845, the department has a long history of serving and protecting the citizens of New York. It is known for its dedication to community policing and proactive approach towards crime prevention. With over 36,000 officers and staff members, the NYPD is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all New Yorkers.

According to court records, law enforcement officials have discovered a significant quantity of fentanyl concealed within playmats, along with a device used to compress the drug into bricks for distribution. The total amount found was a kilogram, indicating a serious threat to public health and safety.

The criminal court in the Bronx saw the return of the case involving the murder of Nicholas Dominici and the two suspects, Grei Mendez, the owner, and Carlisto Acevedo Brito, her tenant. The defendants were absent, but their lawyers were present in court. The case has been adjourned to October 5th.

On Thursday, there was an indictment returned by a grand jury in the Bronx, which charged Mendez and her tenant for their connection to the four children’s incidents. Among them, one was a 1-year-old who passed away, and the other three were poisoned. The charges are currently sealed and will be revealed at a later date when both appear for arraignment. Initially, they were taken into custody for murder.

Bronx District Attorney, Darcel Clark, has made a firm commitment to ensure justice is served for the children. Her unwavering dedication to this cause is evident, and she will stop at nothing to achieve the desired outcome. The welfare of children is of utmost importance, and she understands the gravity of the situation. Her words are a testament to her resolve, and her actions will speak louder than words.

Clark empathized with the parents of the children at the daycare center, stating that although she was not a parent who sent her own children there, she understood the gravity of the situation. “Every single person in this county feels what they feel,” she emphasized, “that they entrusted the daycare center to take care of their children.”

Mendez and Brito are currently being held in federal custody due to their alleged involvement in federal drug trafficking charges. The search for Mendez’s husband, who was reportedly seen on video fleeing the daycare through a back alley, is still ongoing. Both women were ordered to be held without bail.

Last Friday afternoon, first responders were called to Divino Nino Daycare due to reports of cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, Dominici passed away after being exposed to fentanyl that was present in the daycare center.

Acevedo Brito and Mendez have been faced with a total of 11 charges, which include murder, manslaughter, and assault. According to officials, Brito was a tenant who rented a room from Mendez and also happens to be the cousin of Mendez’s husband.

According to prosecutors, the defendants attempted to conceal the overdoses of the infants. Investigators found footage showing an individual exiting the daycare while carrying two heavy shopping bags, leaving the affected children behind in urgent need of assistance. It is truly heartbreaking to imagine the distress these innocent babies must have experienced while in such a vulnerable state.

According to investigators, Mendez had multiple conversations with her spouse before finally calling 911 after the tragic incident on Friday afternoon. It has been reported that Mendez attempted to destroy evidence by deleting around 20,000 text messages from her phone before her arrest. However, the authorities were able to retrieve these messages.

According to U.S. Attorney Damian Williams, the behavior exhibited by the defendants that resulted in the poisonings is completely unacceptable, indefensible, and the very reason why they are now being held in federal custody.

According to the complaint, the two individuals accused of the crime had been working together since July to distribute fentanyl at a daycare center. Shockingly, they continued to stockpile large amounts of the dangerous drug despite the daily presence of children, including infants. Such actions are highly concerning and pose a significant threat to the well-being of innocent children.

According to authorities, the accused individuals were found to be in possession of kilo presses at the day care center. These machines are typically used for compressing drugs in powder form, a common practice among drug traffickers at mills or other locations where drugs are processed, mixed with other substances, and packaged for distribution.

The photos of the drugs recovered at the Bronx day care were included in the complaint.

The Southern District of New York’s US Attorney’s office and the DEA.

According to the complaint, the drug conspiracy orchestrated by the defendants resulted in a devastating outcome. On September 15, 2023, at the day care, four innocent children, all below the age of three, seemed to have been affected by fentanyl poisoning. Unfortunately, one of the children, a one-year-old boy, lost his life due to the severe impact of the drug. The other three children had to be hospitalized for serious injuries. The complaint highlights the tragic consequences of the defendants’ actions, which have caused immense pain and suffering to the families involved.

At 2:40 p.m., Mendez immediately called 911 to report that the children under her care were unresponsive. Unfortunately, Dominici was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. The other children, who are between 8 months and 2 years old, were administered Narcan and were able to recover. A urine analysis from one of the victims confirmed the presence of fentanyl in the child’s system, which is a truly alarming discovery.

According to Frank Tarentino of the DEA, fentanyl is currently considered as the most pressing danger faced by the nation.

According to DEA Special Agent in Charge Frank Tarentino, fentanyl is currently the most pressing threat facing our nation. This statement came in response to a recent incident in the Bronx where a child tragically lost their life and three others were hospitalized due to exposure to fentanyl at a day care center. The severity of this situation highlights the urgent need for increased awareness and action to combat the dangers of this deadly drug.

According to the New York City Health Commissioner, Ashwin Vasan, “Fentanyl is incredibly dangerous.” He goes on to explain that he uses the term “exquisitely” to emphasize the severity of the danger posed by this drug, as he cannot find another word to describe it accurately.

Mayor Eric Adams was visibly emotional as he conveyed his outrage at the recent crime.

Adams expressed his dismay over the loss of a child and the near loss of four more due to the perilous substance. He emphasized the need for a comprehensive and nationwide effort to prevent the drug from entering their city.

According to the prosecutors, Mendez was involved in the incident of renting a room in the day care to Brito, which they deemed as a “reckless and depraved act”.

According to Mendez’s attorney, she had no knowledge that her husband’s cousin was storing drugs at her day care facility. The cousin had been renting a room from Mendez for a weekly fee of $200.

According to attorney Andres Aranda, the only mistake made by his client was providing a room to someone who happened to have a kilo. He firmly believes that there is no proof of any wrongdoing on her part, except for the fact that she took good care of the children under her supervision.

During an interview, Dr. Jakub Bartnik from St. Barnabas Hospital discussed the effects of the fentanyl crisis on children and provided useful tips on how to manage fentanyl-related emergencies.

In January, a new day care facility catering to children from 6 weeks to 12 years old opened its doors. The facility has already undergone a surprise visit from city inspectors and passed with flying colors as no violations were found. This is a testament to the high standards and commitment to safety upheld by the day care staff.

Adams was firm in his response when questioned about whether the events leading up to the incident had been overlooked. He maintained that the city had carried out its due diligence by conducting inspections, surprise visits, and background checks.

Adams expressed disappointment in the individuals who failed to fulfill their duties to protect the children. “The ones responsible for ensuring the safety of our children are the ones who did not do their job,” he stated. The trust that parents place in caregivers and educators to provide a secure environment for their children was breached, and Adams emphasized that this breach cannot be overlooked.

Following the removal of the children from the day care, the fire department conducted an air test to check for any environmental hazards. Fortunately, the test did not reveal any traces of carbon monoxide. However, officials started to suspect that the children might have been exposed to opioids. As a result, they obtained a search warrant and thoroughly searched the premises, including all the rooms and cabinets. During the search, they discovered a drug packaging device, which further strengthened their suspicion of opioid exposure.

According to a recent court filing, Mendez has fallen behind on her rent payments for the property located at 2707 Morris Ave. by a significant amount of money.

Dan Krauth, an investigative reporter from Eyewitness News 7 On Your Side, has provided an exclusive look into the life-saving tools that families can use in ‘2 Milligrams: Fatal Dose’.

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