DA Charges Rikers Inmate with Attempted Murder for Beating Correction Officer Unconscious

A 31-year-old man named Rashidi Smith is facing charges of attempted murder and other offenses. He has been accused of assaulting an officer at the Otis Bantum Correctional Center by punching him several times and slamming his head against a chair and a concrete wall.

Prosecutors report that Smith was separated from the victim by another officer and detainee who used pepper spray. The victim was left unconscious after the attack and was taken to Mount Sinai Health System with serious injuries.

According to the Bronx District Attorney, Darcel Clark, the recent violent attack was absolutely unacceptable, and no one should ever have to experience such brutality while working. The attack was unprovoked and completely unjustifiable, and it is a sad reminder of the dangers that people face in their everyday lives.

The court hearing for Smith is scheduled for November 30th.

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