Breaking News: Court Sentences Man to Life Again for 2011 Slaying of Aspiring NJ Rapper

A man has been given a life sentence once again for the murder of an aspiring rapper who was shot and killed before his body was set on fire in New Jersey over a decade ago. The sentencing was carried out in Hackensack, where the crime had taken place.

In June, Randy Manning was found guilty of murder, arson, desecration of human remains, and weapons offenses in connection with the death of Rhian Stoute. Stoute, who performed under the name Kampane, was a 33-year-old man from Brooklyn.

According to prosecutors, Manning, originally from Trinidad and Tobago and a former resident of Englewood, is accused of murdering the victim in an empty Englewood property. After committing the crime, Manning allegedly returned several hours later to set the victim’s body on fire.

In 2014, Manning received a life sentence for his involvement in a murder case. However, in 2020, an appellate judge discovered that the prosecution had not obtained a warrant before accessing the location data and records on his cellphone. As reported by, this ruling led to a change in Manning’s sentence.

During the trial, Assistant Prosecutor Gary Donatello revealed that Manning had been caught on surveillance footage appearing carefree and laughing with an attendant at a gas station just hours after committing the heinous crime. The footage shows Manning purchasing a gas canister, a lighter, and gloves, all of which were later presented as evidence in court.

Donatello expressed his condemnation of the actions, stating that they were those of a ruthless murderer.

In a recent ruling, Judge Gary Wilcox of Bergen County condemned the heinous act of the killing and described it as abhorrent and horrible. One of the striking aspects of the case was a conversation between Manning and a detective, in which Manning portrayed Stoute as a person who was solely focused on women and money.

According to a report by, the judge noted that the tone used by the defendant did not reflect love and affection towards the person in question. Instead, the defendant’s statements were filled with jealousy and anger.

During the trial, Milagros Camacho, the defense attorney, pleaded for a shorter sentence of 30 years for the murder charge. She emphasized that her client stood fast on his innocence, but that didn’t mean he was not regretful or distressed about the incident.

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