Alabama public schools to include lessons on fentanyl and drug poisoning in their curriculum

Alabama teenagers will receive education on how to stay safe from illegal drugs starting this fall, following the passage of a bill in honor of a young man’s untimely passing. The bill was recently passed in Montgomery, Alabama.

At the age of 17, Price Hornsby, a student at Auburn High School, passed away in 2021 due to consuming a pill laced with fentanyl.

Starting this academic year, Alabama public schools are mandated by the Price Hornsby Act to provide middle and high school students with education on the risks associated with fentanyl and drug poisoning. The curriculum, which is based on research, will be incorporated into the school syllabus.

As a first responder, State Rep. Joe Lovvorn (R-Auburn) has had his fair share of heart-wrenching experiences. One of the most memorable and devastating calls he received was when Hornsby’s death was reported. Since then, the family of the deceased has been actively working towards spreading awareness to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

Lovvorn, who is a father himself, expressed his desire to attach the legacy of the person in question to this and was pleased to find that the authorities were equally enthusiastic about the idea.

According to Nicole Shine, who serves as the Executive Director for Resources, Education and Advocacy for Drug-free Youth (READY), drug dealers are mixing fentanyl with various substances including ADHD medication and candy.

Shine emphasized the significance of informing both the school system and the community about potential risks of students being exposed to harmful substances, such as taking candy from an unknown source. “What if a student gets exposed and they take candy from someone?” he questioned. It is crucial to ensure awareness and vigilance to maintain safety.

According to Shine, maintaining an open channel of communication with their kids regarding drug prevention is crucial for parents.

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