Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Iowa!

Iowa, known for its serene landscapes and friendly communities, isn’t typically associated with crime and danger. However, like any other state, it has its share of issues that residents need to be aware of to maintain their safety. This article will delve into specific warning signs and scenarios that should prompt Iowans to contact the police immediately. By staying informed and vigilant, you can help ensure the safety and security of your neighborhood. All the information in this article is based on the report by

Suspicious Vehicles

Identifying Suspicious Vehicles

A suspicious vehicle is one that doesn’t belong in your neighborhood. It could be a car that you haven’t seen before, parked for an extended period without apparent reason. Look for vehicles with out-of-state plates or those that are visibly damaged or tampered with.

Incidents in Major Cities

In cities like Des Moines and Cedar Rapids, there have been numerous reports of suspicious vehicles linked to criminal activities. For example, in 2023, Des Moines Police reported a significant increase in car thefts and burglaries involving suspicious vehicles parked in residential areas.

What to Do

If you notice a suspicious vehicle, jot down its license plate number, make, model, and color. Contact your local police department and report your observations. Providing detailed information can help authorities take swift action.

Unfamiliar Individuals Loitering

Recognizing Suspicious Behavior

Not every stranger is a threat, but it’s important to be cautious. Pay attention to individuals who are loitering around your property or neighborhood without a clear purpose. They might be checking out houses, looking for easy targets for theft or burglary.

Case Study: Davenport

In Davenport, residents have reported multiple instances of individuals loitering in residential areas. In one notable case, a group was found canvassing houses, leading to a series of break-ins. Police were able to apprehend the suspects thanks to vigilant neighbors who reported their suspicious activities.

What to Do

If you see someone acting suspiciously, do not confront them. Instead, observe their behavior from a safe distance and call the police. Provide a detailed description of the individual, including their clothing, physical features, and any noticeable behavior.

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Vandalism and Graffiti

Signs of Gang Activity

Graffiti and vandalism are not just nuisances; they can be indicators of gang activity. Tags and symbols spray-painted on buildings, fences, or sidewalks can signify territorial disputes or gang presence.

Incidents in Waterloo

Waterloo has experienced a rise in gang-related graffiti, with tags appearing in various neighborhoods. The local police have linked these markings to increased criminal activities, including drug trafficking and violent crimes.

What to Do

Report any graffiti or vandalism to the police immediately. Document the damage with photos, and if possible, note any identifying symbols. Quick reporting can help authorities address the issue before it escalates.

Unknown Packages or Items

Recognizing Potential Threats

Unattended packages or items left near your home can be cause for concern. They could be harmless, but in some cases, they might contain dangerous materials or explosives.

Example from Iowa City

In Iowa City, a suspicious package left near a residential area caused a major scare in 2022. The bomb squad was called in, and while the package turned out to be harmless, the incident highlighted the importance of vigilance.

What to Do

If you find an unknown package or item, do not touch it. Move away from the area and contact the police. Provide them with a description of the package and its location. Authorities are trained to handle such situations safely.

Door-to-Door Scammers

Identifying Scams

Scammers often pose as salespeople, utility workers, or charity collectors to gain access to homes. They might use high-pressure tactics or offer services that seem too good to be true.

Incident in Ames

Residents of Ames reported a series of door-to-door scams in 2023, where individuals posed as utility workers to gain entry into homes. Several homeowners fell victim to theft after allowing these scammers inside.

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What to Do

Always ask for identification from anyone who comes to your door. Verify their credentials with the company they claim to represent. If you suspect a scam, do not let them into your home and call the police to report the incident.

Disturbances and Loud Noises

Recognizing Potential Danger

Unusual disturbances or loud noises, especially at odd hours, can be a sign of trouble. This could include shouting, breaking glass, or loud bangs.

Incident in Sioux City

In Sioux City, a series of loud disturbances led to the discovery of an illegal drug operation in a residential neighborhood. Neighbors reported strange noises and heavy foot traffic, prompting a police investigation that uncovered the illegal activity.

What to Do

If you hear unusual noises, observe from a safe distance and contact the police. Provide them with as much information as possible, including the type of noise, the time it occurred, and any other relevant details.

Tampering with Utilities

Recognizing Tampering

Tampering with utilities such as gas, electricity, or water lines can be dangerous. Look for signs like cut wires, broken seals, or unauthorized access to utility boxes.

Incident in Council Bluffs

In Council Bluffs, residents reported tampered gas lines, leading to several dangerous gas leaks. These incidents were linked to individuals attempting to steal copper piping.

What to Do

If you notice signs of tampering with utilities, do not attempt to fix the issue yourself. Contact your utility company and the police to report the damage. They can assess the situation and ensure it is handled safely.

Drone Surveillance

Recognizing Suspicious Drones

Drones can be used for legitimate purposes, but they can also be tools for criminals to conduct surveillance on potential targets. Look for drones hovering near your property or following you.

Incident in Dubuque

In Dubuque, residents reported drones being used to scout homes for burglaries. Police were able to trace the drones back to a group responsible for a string of thefts.

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What to Do

If you notice a drone near your property, try to capture a photo or video of it. Report the incident to the police, providing them with any footage and a description of the drone’s activity.

Unmarked Delivery Vehicles

Identifying Suspicious Deliveries

Unmarked delivery vehicles or individuals posing as delivery personnel can be a front for criminal activities. Be wary of deliveries that you did not expect or that seem unusual.

Incident in West Des Moines

In West Des Moines, police investigated reports of unmarked delivery vehicles involved in package thefts. The suspects would follow legitimate delivery trucks and steal packages after they were dropped off.

What to Do

If you receive an unexpected delivery from an unmarked vehicle, do not accept it. Contact the delivery company to verify the package and report the incident to the police.

Animal Distress

Recognizing Signs of Trouble

Animals in distress can indicate danger. For instance, dogs barking excessively or animals acting unusually could be reacting to an intruder or a hazardous situation.

Incident in Bettendorf

In Bettendorf, a series of burglaries were thwarted thanks to alert pets. Dogs barking at unusual hours led homeowners to investigate and call the police, resulting in the capture of the burglars.

What to Do

Pay attention to your pets’ behavior. If they seem agitated or distressed, investigate the cause and contact the police if you suspect any criminal activity.


Staying vigilant and aware of your surroundings is crucial for maintaining safety in your community. By recognizing the signs of potential danger and knowing when to call the police, you can help protect your neighborhood from crime. Remember, it is always better to err on the side of caution and report suspicious activities. Your vigilance can make a significant difference in keeping Iowa’s communities safe and secure.

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