Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Delaware!

Delaware, known as the “First State” due to being the first to ratify the U.S. Constitution, is a picturesque and peaceful state with beautiful coastlines and charming small towns. However, like any other state, it is not immune to crime. Awareness of potential threats and understanding what to watch out for can be crucial in maintaining personal and community safety. This article aims to shed light on specific situations and indicators that should prompt residents to call the police, with a focus on cities across Delaware. All the information in this article is based on the report by

The Importance of Vigilance in Delaware

Crime Statistics in Delaware

While Delaware is generally considered a safe state, certain areas experience higher crime rates than others. According to the latest FBI crime statistics, Delaware’s violent crime rate is approximately 4.2 incidents per 1,000 people, slightly above the national average of 3.7. Property crimes, including burglary and theft, occur at a rate of 16.4 per 1,000 residents, compared to the national average of 21.1.

Suspicious Activities to Watch For

Unfamiliar Vehicles Parked for Extended Periods

One of the first signs that something may be amiss is the presence of unfamiliar vehicles parked for extended periods in your neighborhood. This is particularly concerning if the vehicle is parked in a manner that obstructs traffic or is left unattended for days. In cities like Wilmington, Newark, and Dover, residents have reported instances where such vehicles were linked to criminal activities, including surveillance for potential burglaries.

What to Do:

  • Take note of the vehicle’s make, model, and license plate number.
  • Observe any individuals associated with the vehicle and their behavior.
  • Contact your local police department with this information.

Strangers Taking Photos or Videos

Another red flag is seeing strangers taking photos or videos of homes, particularly if they seem to be focusing on entrances, windows, or security systems. This behavior could indicate that they are scouting the area for vulnerabilities. In towns like Middletown and Smyrna, there have been reports of such activities leading to subsequent break-ins.

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What to Do:

  • Approach the individual calmly and inquire about their intentions.
  • If their explanation seems suspicious, report the incident to the police.
  • Provide the police with a description of the individual and any identifying information.

Door-to-Door Solicitors with Unclear Motives

While many door-to-door solicitors are legitimate, some may use this guise to gather information about residents and their homes. This tactic has been observed in areas like Rehoboth Beach and Lewes, where individuals posed as salespeople to assess potential targets for theft.

What to Do:

  • Ask to see identification and verify their credentials.
  • Do not provide personal information or details about your home.
  • If their behavior seems suspicious, contact the police with a description of the individual and any provided identification.

Unattended Packages or Bags

In an era where package deliveries are common, it’s important to be vigilant about unattended packages or bags left in unusual places. This is particularly crucial in public spaces or outside homes where the packages could pose a security threat. In cities like Wilmington and Dover, there have been incidents where unattended bags were found to contain illegal substances or stolen goods.

What to Do:

  • Do not touch or move the package.
  • Observe any individuals who may have left the package.
  • Contact the police and provide them with a description and location of the package.

Case Studies from Delaware Cities


As the largest city in Delaware, Wilmington experiences a higher crime rate compared to other areas in the state. In 2023, Wilmington reported 1,124 violent crimes and 3,852 property crimes. Residents have shared instances of suspicious activities that led to successful police interventions:

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Case Study: A Wilmington resident noticed a car parked outside their house for several days with individuals inside who seemed to be watching the neighborhood. The resident reported this to the police, who discovered the individuals were part of a burglary ring planning to target multiple homes.


Home to the University of Delaware, Newark has a mix of student and permanent resident populations. While generally safe, the city has had instances of theft and vandalism, with 324 violent crimes and 1,476 property crimes reported in 2023.

Case Study: In Newark, a homeowner observed a person taking photos of their home and surrounding properties. The homeowner called the police, leading to the discovery that the individual was part of a group planning to break into homes during student vacations.


Dover, the state capital, also sees its share of criminal activity. In 2023, the city reported 748 violent crimes and 2,413 property crimes. Residents have been encouraged to report any unusual activities to help maintain community safety.

Case Study: A Dover resident reported a suspicious solicitor who seemed more interested in peering into homes than selling a product. The police investigation revealed the solicitor was gathering information for potential burglaries, leading to their arrest and the prevention of several break-ins.


Middletown has seen rapid growth, leading to an increase in crime. With 212 violent crimes and 835 property crimes reported in 2023, residents are urged to stay vigilant.

Case Study: In Middletown, an unattended bag left near a park entrance raised concerns. The police were alerted and found the bag contained stolen items from a recent string of car break-ins, leading to the recovery of the stolen goods and identification of the thieves.

What to Do If You See Something Suspicious

Steps to Take

  1. Stay Calm:
    • Avoid confronting suspicious individuals directly.
    • Keep a safe distance while observing and gathering information.
  2. Document Details:
    • Note the physical descriptions, behavior, and any identifying features of suspicious individuals.
    • Record vehicle details, including make, model, color, and license plate number.
  3. Contact Authorities:
    • Call the local police department or 911 if the situation appears urgent or dangerous.
    • Provide a clear and concise description of the suspicious activity.
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How to Communicate with Police

  • Be specific about what you observed, including times and locations.
  • Provide any recorded information or photos, if safely obtained.
  • Follow up with the police if requested, and remain available for additional information.

Prevention Tips

Enhancing Home Security

  1. Install Security Systems:
    • Use alarms, cameras, and motion sensors to deter potential criminals.
    • Ensure systems are visible as a deterrent.
  2. Maintain Visibility:
    • Keep entrances well-lit and ensure landscaping does not provide hiding spots.
    • Trim bushes and trees near windows and doors.
  3. Community Engagement:
    • Join or start a neighborhood watch program.
    • Regularly communicate with neighbors about any unusual activities.

Staying Informed and Prepared

  1. Attend Community Meetings:
    • Participate in local crime prevention meetings and forums.
    • Stay updated on crime trends and safety tips from local law enforcement.
  2. Use Local Resources:
    • Access crime maps and alerts from local police websites.
    • Sign up for neighborhood alert systems and apps.
  3. Educate Family Members:
    • Teach children and other family members about safety and awareness.
    • Establish a family emergency plan for different scenarios.


Staying vigilant and aware of your surroundings is crucial in maintaining safety in your community. By recognizing suspicious activities and knowing when to call the police, Delaware residents can contribute to a safer environment for everyone. Whether you live in Wilmington, Newark, Dover, or any other part of the state, your proactive efforts can make a significant difference in preventing crime and ensuring peace of mind for you and your neighbors.

By staying informed and prepared, you can help create a safer Delaware for yourself and your community.

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