Vet Discusses Unexplained Respiratory Ailment In Dogs, Answers Viewers’ Questions

As the number of cases of a severe respiratory illness in dogs continues to rise, veterinarians are working tirelessly to determine the root cause of the sickness affecting these beloved pets.

Several states, including Oregon, California, and Colorado, have reported cases of an unidentified illness.

As of now, 35 cases of the mysterious illness affecting dogs have been treated by Dr. Lindsey Ganzer. Dr. Ganzer is not only a veterinarian but also the owner and CEO of North Springs Veterinary Referral Center located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

What are the symptoms of the illness affecting dogs?

According to Ganzer, a persistent cough lasting for weeks is one of the symptoms of the mysterious illness, as reported by “Good Morning America.”

According to Ganzer, the initial symptoms of the illness include coughing, eye or nasal discharge, and gradually, a more severe wet cough. The pet may also show signs of lethargy, fever, and loss of appetite.

Ganzer explained that an increase in respiratory rate and effort can be observed in the affected individual, along with a change in color of their gums which might turn blue or purple.

As Thanksgiving approaches, around 50 million Americans are expected to travel with their pets. To address the concerns of “GMA” viewers, Ganzer has provided valuable advice on how to ensure the safety of their furry companions during the holiday season.

The German Shepherd dog is being examined by a veterinarian.

The featured image is credited to STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images.

Should I take any precautions to avoid the respiratory illness?

According to Ganzer, it’s best to avoid boarding or exposing your dog to other dogs for the time being.

Ganzer emphasized the importance of steering clear of places with a high concentration of dogs. It’s best to avoid boarding facilities, doggie day cares, groomers, and dog parks, he advises.

Are cats affected by the respiratory illness?

According to Ganzer, currently the virus is only being observed in dogs. As per him, bacteria and viruses usually do not spread from one species to another. Hence, he believes that the virus is limited to dogs at present.

How can I keep my dog from getting the respiratory illness?

According to Ganzer, it is still unclear how the virus spreads, whether through direct contact or through the air. If your dog is showing symptoms, it is important to seek veterinary care as soon as possible. The sooner treatment begins, the higher the likelihood of preventing the virus from progressing into pneumonia.

What if my dog is showing symptoms of the respiratory illness?

According to experts like Ganzer, if pet owners notice any symptoms of the mysterious illness in their furry friends, they should follow the best practices we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes isolating the dog and seeking medical attention immediately.

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