Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Texas!

Texas is known for its vast landscapes, vibrant cities, and unique wildlife. However, amidst the beauty and charm, certain threats can loom large. When it comes to ensuring the safety of your home and loved ones, being vigilant about unusual occurrences in your surroundings is crucial. In this article, we’ll delve into specific scenarios where calling the police is not only warranted but necessary. From suspicious activities to potentially dangerous wildlife, we’ll cover the bases to help you stay safe in the Lone Star State.

In Texas, a state known for its warm hospitality and sprawling cities, home safety remains a top priority for residents. From the bustling urban environments of Houston and Dallas to the serene suburban neighborhoods in places like Plano and Frisco, Texans value their peace of mind. However, in an ever-changing world, threats can emerge in unexpected ways. Whether it’s a suspicious individual lurking near your property, an unfamiliar object that could be a sign of criminal intent, or the sudden appearance of dangerous wildlife, knowing when to call the police is essential.

Suspicious Activities

Unmarked Vehicles

Unmarked vehicles parked near your home can be a cause for concern, especially if they remain for an extended period. These vehicles could be used for surveillance by criminals planning a burglary or other illicit activities. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, there has been a noticeable increase in vehicle-related surveillance activities reported in major cities like Houston and San Antonio. If you observe an unmarked vehicle near your property that seems out of place, note its description and license plate number, and report it to the police.

Unknown Individuals Loitering

Strangers loitering around residential areas without a clear purpose can be another red flag. These individuals might be casing houses for potential break-ins or attempting to gather information about the neighborhood. In cities such as Austin and Fort Worth, police departments have reported several incidents where loiterers were later linked to burglaries. Trust your instincts—if someone seems out of place, it’s better to be cautious and notify law enforcement.

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Unfamiliar Objects Left Near Property

Unattended packages or objects left near your home can be more than just litter; they could be tools for criminal activities. For instance, burglars might leave markers to signal a house’s vulnerability. In Dallas, there have been instances where seemingly harmless items like flyers or stones were used to mark potential targets. If you find an unfamiliar object on your property, do not touch it. Instead, contact the police to investigate.

Case Studies and Statistics

  • Houston: In 2022, there were over 1,000 reported cases of suspicious activities that led to police intervention and prevented potential crimes.
  • San Antonio: A neighborhood watch program reported a 20% decrease in burglaries after encouraging residents to report suspicious activities promptly.

Potentially Dangerous Wildlife

Venomous Snakes

Texas is home to a variety of venomous snakes, including rattlesnakes, copperheads, and coral snakes. Encounters with these reptiles are more common in rural and suburban areas, particularly during warmer months. In 2023, the Texas Poison Center Network recorded over 2,500 snakebite incidents, with significant numbers in areas like El Paso and Corpus Christi. If you see a venomous snake near your home, maintain a safe distance and call animal control or local authorities for assistance.

Wild Hogs

Wild hogs are another dangerous wildlife threat in Texas. These animals are highly aggressive and can cause extensive property damage. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department estimates that there are over 2.6 million feral hogs in the state, with significant populations in areas like College Station and Waco. Residents are advised to report any sightings to wildlife control services to mitigate the risks.

Coyotes and Bobcats

Coyotes and bobcats are common in both rural and urban areas of Texas. While generally elusive, these predators can pose a threat to pets and, in rare cases, humans. In cities like Plano and Frisco, there have been increasing reports of coyote sightings, often leading to attacks on small pets. If you encounter a coyote or bobcat near your home, contact local wildlife authorities for advice on how to proceed safely.

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City-Specific Wildlife Encounters

  • El Paso: Frequent sightings of venomous snakes in residential areas during summer months.
  • Corpus Christi: Regular reports of wild hogs causing property damage.
  • Plano: Rising incidents of coyote attacks on pets in suburban neighborhoods.

Common Scams and Tricks

Fake Utility Workers

Scammers often pose as utility workers to gain access to homes. They might claim to be from the electric company, water department, or cable service, insisting they need to check something inside your home. In Dallas, there have been multiple reports of such scams, leading to theft and even physical harm. Always ask for identification and verify their credentials by calling the utility company directly before allowing anyone into your home.

Bogus Charities and Door-to-Door Scams

During times of crisis or disaster, scam artists exploit people’s generosity by posing as charity representatives. In Houston, following Hurricane Harvey, numerous residents reported fraudulent charity collectors. To avoid falling victim to these scams, research charities before donating and prefer to give directly through official websites.

Phishing Attempts and Phone Scams

Phone scams and phishing attempts have become increasingly sophisticated. Scammers may pretend to be from government agencies, claiming you owe money or have won a prize. In San Antonio, there have been numerous reports of residents receiving calls from scammers posing as IRS agents. Never provide personal information over the phone unless you are certain of the caller’s identity. If in doubt, hang up and contact the agency directly using official contact numbers.

Tips for Verification

  • Always ask for identification from anyone claiming to represent a company or charity.
  • Verify the credentials of utility workers by calling the company directly.
  • Do not provide personal information over the phone unless you are sure of the caller’s identity.
  • Be wary of high-pressure tactics and take your time to verify any claims made by door-to-door solicitors or callers.
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Emergency Contacts and Procedures

When to Call 911

Call 911 immediately if you encounter:

  • A life-threatening situation
  • An ongoing crime, such as a burglary or assault
  • A dangerous wildlife threat, like a venomous snake or aggressive wild hog

Non-Emergency Numbers and Resources

For non-emergencies, such as reporting suspicious activities or less immediate threats, use the following resources:

  • Houston Police Department Non-Emergency: (713) 884-3131
  • Dallas Police Department Non-Emergency: (214) 744-4444
  • San Antonio Police Department Non-Emergency: (210) 207-7273

Local Neighborhood Watch Programs

Joining a neighborhood watch program can significantly enhance the safety of your community. These programs encourage residents to look out for each other and report suspicious activities promptly. Cities like Austin and Fort Worth have robust neighborhood watch programs that have proven effective in reducing crime rates.

Preparing for Various Scenarios

  • Suspicious Activities: Document the activity with photos or videos if it is safe to do so and report it to the police.
  • Wildlife Encounters: Keep emergency contacts for animal control handy and educate your family on how to react to different wildlife threats.
  • Scams: Stay informed about common scams in your area and share this information with your neighbors.


Staying vigilant and informed is key to maintaining safety in your Texas home. Whether it’s recognizing suspicious activities, handling potentially dangerous wildlife, or protecting yourself from scams, being proactive can make all the difference. Always trust your instincts and don’t hesitate to call the police if you feel something is amiss. By working together and staying alert, we can keep our communities safe and secure.

For more information on home safety and resources, visit the Texas Department of Public Safety website or contact your local police department. Stay safe, Texas!


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