Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Michigan!

Your home is your sanctuary, a place of comfort and security. But that sense of safety can be shattered when you witness suspicious activity around your property. In Michigan, just like anywhere else, there are situations that warrant immediate attention from law enforcement. This blog post will serve as a guide for Michigan residents, outlining suspicious activities and signs to watch out for, and highlighting the importance of contacting the police when necessary.

Understanding Suspicious Activity

Before diving into specific examples, let’s establish what constitutes “suspicious activity.” In general, it refers to any behavior or situation that deviates from the norm and raises concerns about potential criminal intent. This can encompass a wide range of actions, from individuals acting strangely to unusual occurrences in your neighborhood.

Statistics on Crime in Michigan

To understand the importance of vigilance, consider some crime statistics in Michigan. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, in 2022, Michigan experienced over 68,000 property crimes, including burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft. Additionally, there were over 38,000 violent crimes reported, emphasizing the need for proactive measures to safeguard yourself and your community.

Common Signs of Suspicious Activity

Here are some specific red flags to be aware of:

  • People:
    • Loitering: Individuals lingering around your property for extended periods without a clear purpose, especially during off-hours, can be a cause for concern.
    • Forced Entry Attempts: Witnessing someone trying to break into windows, doors, or attempting to tamper with locks is a clear sign of criminal intent.
    • Unusual Behavior: Individuals acting erratically, peering into windows, or trying to avoid eye contact could be casing your home for a potential crime.
  • Vehicles:
    • Unfamiliar Cars: Unmarked or out-of-state vehicles parked near your house for long durations, especially when occupants are absent, can be a sign of surveillance.
    • Suspicious Activity Around Vehicles: Witnessing someone tampering with parked cars, particularly in your driveway or on your street, could indicate potential theft.
  • Other Signs:
    • Forced Entry to Neighboring Homes: If you hear noises or witness signs of forced entry at a neighbor’s residence, report it immediately. Criminals often target multiple houses in a single night.
    • Open Doors or Windows: Unlocked or open doors and windows on your property when you know you haven’t left them that way can indicate a break-in attempt.
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Specific Examples in Michigan

While the signs above are general, Michigan has seen its share of unique criminal activities. Here are a few examples:

  • Porch Pirates: Package theft from doorsteps is a growing concern nationwide, and Michigan is no exception. Be mindful of deliveries and consider installing security cameras or acquiring a mailbox with secure locking mechanisms.
  • Meter Tampering: In some Michigan cities, criminals have been known to tamper with parking meters to avoid paying fees. If you witness such activity, report it to the authorities.
  • Utility Scams: Impersonating utility workers is a tactic sometimes used to gain entry into homes. Always verify the identity of anyone claiming to be from a utility company before allowing them inside.

The Importance of Reporting Suspicious Activity

Many residents hesitate to call the police for fear of being overcautious. However, it’s crucial to remember that a timely report, even if it turns out to be nothing, can help prevent a crime. Here’s why reporting is important:

  • Deterrence: A visible police presence discourages criminal activity. Reporting suspicious behavior sends a message that the neighborhood is watching.
  • Investigation: The police can investigate the situation and potentially apprehend a criminal before they strike. Even seemingly insignificant details can be crucial for solving crimes.
  • Community Safety: By reporting suspicious activity, you contribute to a safer neighborhood for yourself and your neighbors.

How to Report Suspicious Activity Safely

When you witness something suspicious, prioritize your safety:

  • Do Not Confront: Never approach or confront someone exhibiting suspicious behavior. They might be armed or dangerous.
  • Call 911: For emergencies or crimes in progress, dial 911 immediately.
  • Non-Emergency Numbers: If the situation isn’t an immediate threat, contact your local police department’s non-emergency number.
  • Gather Details:
    • Include descriptions of the person(s) involved, including clothing, appearance, and any distinguishing features.
    • Note the vehicle’s make, model, color, and license plate number (if possible).
    • Describe the specific suspicious behavior you witnessed.
    • Provide the exact location and time of the incident.
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Taking Preventative Measures

While vigilance is key, there are proactive steps you can take to enhance your home security:

  • Get to Know Your Neighbors: Building relationships with neighbors fosters a sense of community watch. Share contact information and keep an eye out for each other’s homes.
  • Secure Your Property: Install sturdy deadbolts on all exterior doors, keep windows locked, and trim bushes and hedges that could provide hiding places for potential intruders.
  • Invest in a Home Security System: Consider installing a security system with visible cameras and alarms. Even a basic system can deter criminals.
  • Proper Lighting: Ensure your property is well-lit at night. Motion-sensor lights can be particularly effective in deterring intruders.
  • Be Mindful of Social Media: Avoid posting details about upcoming vacations or leaving your home empty on social media platforms.

Additional Resources

Here are some helpful resources for Michigan residents:

  • Michigan State Police:
  • National Crime Prevention Council:
  • Local Neighborhood Watch Programs: Many Michigan communities have neighborhood watch programs that promote safety and awareness. Contact your local law enforcement agency for information on joining one.


By staying informed, reporting suspicious activity, and taking preventative measures, you can significantly contribute to the safety of your home and community. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact the police. Working together, we can create a safer Michigan for everyone.

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