Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in California!

California, with its stunning coastline, vibrant cities, and diverse landscapes, is often seen as a paradise by its residents and visitors. However, even in this golden state, residents must remain vigilant about their safety. Understanding what constitutes a threat and when to alert the authorities is crucial. This article will delve into specific scenarios and signs that should prompt you to call the police immediately if you see them outside your house.

Unfamiliar Vehicles and Their Signs

Suspicious Vehicles

Vehicles parked outside your house that you don’t recognize can be a cause for concern, especially if they remain for extended periods. This is particularly alarming if the vehicle’s occupants seem to be watching your home or other houses in the neighborhood. In cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, where crime rates are higher, this can be an early warning sign of potential criminal activity.

Vehicles with Covered License Plates

Another red flag is a vehicle with covered or missing license plates. Criminals often use such tactics to avoid identification. According to the California Highway Patrol, it’s illegal to drive without visible license plates, and this should be reported immediately. In high-traffic areas like Oakland, these vehicles can blend in easily but pose a significant threat.

Abandoned Cars

Abandoned cars can also indicate illegal activities. They might be used for drug storage or other illicit purposes. In suburban areas of San Diego, residents have reported an increase in such incidents. Authorities should be notified to investigate and remove these potential threats.

Strangers Lurking Around

Suspicious Behavior

Strangers exhibiting suspicious behavior, such as loitering around your property or looking into windows, are cause for alarm. This is particularly concerning in densely populated neighborhoods like Mission District in San Francisco or Downtown Los Angeles, where anonymity can aid criminal behavior.

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Repeated Appearances

If you notice the same unfamiliar person appearing repeatedly near your home, it might indicate they’re monitoring your routines. This is a common precursor to burglaries, as criminals often study their targets before making a move. Report these individuals to the police to ensure they are investigated.

Unusual Packages or Objects

Unattended Bags

Unattended bags or packages left outside your house can be a sign of danger, especially in public areas like parks or busy streets in cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles. These could be harmless, but they could also contain dangerous items like explosives. It’s better to err on the side of caution and call the authorities.

Strange Devices

Strange devices attached to your home or nearby structures, like electronic gadgets or small boxes, can be surveillance tools used by criminals or stalkers. In technology hubs like Silicon Valley, these devices could be highly sophisticated, making it essential to report them immediately.

Unknown Substances

If you find unknown substances outside your home, they could be hazardous materials or drugs. Cities like Oakland and San Francisco have struggled with drug-related crimes, making it vital to contact the police for safe removal and investigation.

Signs of Break-Ins or Vandalism

Broken Windows

Broken windows are a clear sign of a break-in attempt or vandalism. In urban areas like Los Angeles, where property crimes are prevalent, this should prompt an immediate call to the police to report the incident and secure your property.

Forced Entry Marks

Marks around doors or windows indicating forced entry attempts are serious concerns. These could be scratches, dents, or other signs of tampering. Areas like San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter have seen an uptick in such incidents, necessitating swift action.

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While graffiti is often dismissed as mere vandalism, it can also mark gang territory or signal planned criminal activity. In cities with significant gang presence like Oakland and parts of Los Angeles, such markings should be reported to law enforcement.

Wildlife Encounters

Dangerous Animals

Encounters with dangerous wildlife such as mountain lions or bears are rare but possible, especially in areas close to nature reserves like those around San Francisco and Los Angeles. These animals pose significant threats to safety and should be reported to local wildlife control.

Invasive Species

Invasive species such as certain types of snakes or insects can also pose a threat. If you spot these near your home, especially in suburban areas like those around San Diego, contacting local animal control or environmental authorities is crucial.

Specific Regional Concerns

High-Crime Areas in Major Cities

Crime rates can vary significantly within California’s cities. Being aware of high-crime areas can help you stay vigilant.

Los Angeles

Neighborhoods like Skid Row and parts of South Central Los Angeles have higher crime rates. Residents here should be particularly cautious about the signs mentioned above.

San Francisco

In San Francisco, areas like Tenderloin and parts of Mission District report higher crime rates. Vigilance is essential, and community awareness programs can help.


Oakland’s high-crime areas, such as East Oakland and West Oakland, require residents to be especially alert for suspicious activities.

San Diego

While San Diego generally has lower crime rates, areas like East Village and certain parts of Downtown have reported increased incidents of property crime and vandalism.

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Community Awareness and Action

Neighborhood Watch Programs

Establishing or joining a neighborhood watch program can significantly enhance community safety. These programs encourage residents to look out for one another and report suspicious activities promptly. Successful examples in cities like Los Angeles and San Diego have shown a marked decrease in local crime rates.

Community Alerts and Communication

Utilizing community alert systems and maintaining open lines of communication with neighbors can help prevent crime. Apps and online platforms allow residents to share information about suspicious activities in real-time, creating a safer environment for everyone.


Staying vigilant and knowing when to call the police can protect you, your family, and your community. By understanding the signs of potential threats and taking swift action, residents of California can contribute to a safer living environment. Whether you live in a bustling city like Los Angeles or a quieter suburb in San Diego, awareness and prompt reporting are your best defenses against crime and danger.

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