Legislative auditors requested by GOP lawmakers to examine MPS finances

Wisconsin Capitol Republicans are urging Gov. Tony Evers not to miss out on the opportunity to thoroughly examine the inadequacies of Milwaukee Public Schools.

Evers made a request for MPS to undergo an operational and instructional audit.

According to Evers, he is suggesting a two-fold approach with significant objectives. The first goal is to conduct a comprehensive audit of all programs and operations of MPS. The second goal is to evaluate the efficiency of teaching and instruction in classrooms throughout the district. “I’m proposing today to go two steps further with two important goals: the first, to audit MPS’ programs and operations in their entirety, and the second, to audit the effectiveness of teaching and instruction of our kids in classrooms across the district,” Evers stated.

The governor is adamant about keeping the audit under his administration and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

Devin LeMahieu, the Senate Majority Leader, expressed his disagreement, stating that it would be an error.

According to LeMahieu, he is pleased that Gov. Evers has requested an audit of the Milwaukee Public School System. He suggests that Gov. Evers and DPI collaborate with Joint Legislative Audit Committee Co-Chairs Eric Wimberger and Robert Wittke to authorize an audit of MPS, DPI, and all other parties involved. LeMahieu believes that the non-partisan Legislative Audit Bureau is fully equipped to handle this critical task on their own in a transparent and impartial manner, without relying on external contractors.

There is concern that an audit overseen by the governor’s office may not thoroughly investigate the deficiencies of MPS.

Last week, the state withheld almost $17 million from Milwaukee Public Schools due to incomplete and tardy financial reports. One of these reports, which was supposed to be submitted to the Department of Public Instruction in September 2023, prompted the calls for audits.

Evers has requested the participation of MPS leaders in any audit process, but he has cautioned that not all individuals will be included.

Evers expressed his profound disappointment with the opportunistic politicians who are more interested in serving their selfish goals rather than prioritizing the welfare of children. He conveyed his dismay at the politicking and jockeying that has been observed since the situation came to light.

In a recent social media post, Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos accused the governor of playing politics.

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