Washington ranks among top three states with highest number of car thefts


In 2021, Washington state implemented new legislation to update its policies for law enforcement, including regulations on car chases. This has sparked speculation about the potential impact on crime rates. Over the past three years, several studies have been conducted to examine vehicle-related crime in Washington state.

The Simmrin Law Group recently conducted a study that delves into FBI data to identify the states with the highest car theft rates in 2022. By utilizing the Crime Data Explorer, the study ranked each state based on the number of vehicle thefts per every 100,000 people.

Washington found itself in second place among states with the highest rates of car theft, nestled between the top-ranked Colorado and the third-ranked Oregon.

States with the highest number of car thefts

Colorado took the lead in car thefts in 2022, as reported by the Simmrin Law Group. The state witnessed a staggering 45,883 cases of motor vehicle theft, averaging to 786 incidents per 100,000 people.

According to an analysis by Simmrin Law Group, the FBI data reveals that motor thefts accounted for the highest percentage of total arrests in 2022, at 2.52%.

In 2022, Washington secured the first runner-up position in terms of thefts, recording a total of 49,777 incidents. This corresponds to a rate of 639 thefts per 100,000 people. Oregon, on the other hand, claimed the third spot with significantly fewer thefts than Washington, registering 552 thefts per 100,000 people.

Here are the remaining top 10:

    • New Mexico
    • Nevada
    • Missouri
    • California
    • Hawaii
    • Tennessee
    • Texas

In 2022, New Hampshire reported the lowest number of car thefts, with a total of 928 and a rate of just 67 per 100,000.

The FBI’s data was recently used in a comprehensive study conducted by WalletHub to assess the best and worst states for driving. This study, which analyzed 31 different metrics including car theft rates, revealed that Washington ranked as the second-worst state to drive in.

Why Washington experiences a high rate of car thefts

Car theft in Washington remains a prevalent issue, but the exact reasons behind its prevalence are difficult to pinpoint, according to Sergeant Jeffrey Carroll from the Lakewood Police Department. As the head of the Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force, he acknowledges the challenge in providing a definitive answer to this question.

Auto theft has been on the rise in recent years, and Washington has had a persistently high rate for decades. There are various factors that could be contributing to this trend.

During an interview with McClatchy, Carroll expressed that they were consistently on the higher end of the spectrum. However, a notable shift occurred when the legislation was implemented.

According to Carroll, the shift in policing practices cannot be solely attributed to the restrictions imposed. He explains that the change in attitude within departments came about in response to the protests that arose following the death of George Floyd in 2020. During this period, many departments experienced a loss of street cops and subsequently scaled back on proactive policing efforts.

Furthermore, the criminal justice system was greatly affected by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the economic downturn, jails implemented booking restrictions, leading to a decrease in the number of property crime offenders being admitted. As a result, individuals who were caught for multiple thefts during the pandemic were ultimately released without proper consequences.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant backlog in court cases, which has been further exacerbated by the influx of cases resulting from booking restrictions.

According to Carroll, the combination of these factors has resulted in a significant surge in auto theft rates from before the pandemic to the present.

According to an analysis of car thefts per 100,000 people between 1990 and 2020, Washington was ranked in the top 10 states. Carroll, drawing from his personal experience in the field over the past three decades, believes that various factors contribute to the prevalent car theft culture in Washington. He highlights accountability, funding, and population as key elements influencing the situation.

To ensure your utmost protection, Carroll suggests opting for comprehensive car insurance rather than just settling for the mandatory liability coverage. By insuring your vehicle against theft, you can provide yourself with an added layer of security in the unfortunate event that your car gets stolen.

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