Trump’s desperation for a bailout poses a serious threat

Donald Trump had a monumental meltdown on his social media platform, Trump Social, on Tuesday. Even for someone known for their public outbursts, this one was particularly noteworthy. It seems that the mounting financial strain resulting from the civil judgments against him for defamation and fraud pushed him to the edge. He unleashed a barrage of posts, filled with complaints and insults directed at New York Attorney General Leticia James and New York State Judge Arthur Engoran.

Doesn’t he appear slightly stressed to you?

In his claims, Trump suggests that the two individuals are attempting to seize his wealth and coerce him into selling his assets hastily. This raises doubts about his previous bold statements during his fraud trial deposition, where he boasted about finding a buyer from Saudi Arabia who would pay any price he proposed. Judge Engoran pointed out that this claim might indicate a focus on influencing rather than shrewd investing. Trump testified that he undervalued his properties, rather than overvaluing them, and asserted that he had substantial wealth and no debt. However, recent developments reveal that he is unable to obtain a bond, possibly due to existing leverage on his properties and lenders’ unwillingness to accept additional liens. Consequently, Trump now laments his lack of cash. This situation aligns with the judge’s earlier ruling, suggesting that Trump habitually lies about his fortune. The question remains as to why anyone ever granted him loans in the first place, as it continues to be one of life’s greatest mysteries.

However, perhaps he can locate a Russian oligarch who is willing to step forward.

In 2016, one of their assets, Paul Manafort, served as Trump’s campaign manager. It was later revealed that Manafort was heavily indebted to a Russian oligarch and exploited inside information from the Trump campaign to repay his debts. At that time, Trump was not aware of the extent of his impunity, so he decided to terminate Manafort’s employment upon learning about this misconduct. Eventually, Manafort was convicted and sentenced to 47 months in federal prison for one case and 73 months for another. These convictions were a result of various crimes that were exposed during the special prosecutor’s investigation into Russian interference in the election. Among these crimes were tax fraud, illegal foreign lobbying, and money laundering, which Manafort had pleaded guilty to in connection with his activities in Ukraine involving several Russian individuals. However, due to his consistent dishonesty and repeated lies to the special prosecutor’s office, the plea agreement was withdrawn, leading to a trial.

Federal authorities should be increasingly concerned about Paul Manafort’s connections to Ukraine and Russia, especially in light of his expected role in Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign. The Washington Post reports that Manafort’s involvement comes at a crucial time for Trump, who is reportedly facing financial difficulties.

One reason given for the hiring, as mentioned in numerous reports, is that they require his expertise in managing the convention. This was a role he was previously renowned for in the 1980s, before he moved to Ukraine to oversee their campaigns and engage in financial misconduct. In 2016, due to the lack of a well-established organization, they had to settle for whoever they could find, and he was brought into the campaign by his former partner and Trump’s personal operative, Roger Stone (who Trump later pardoned before his temporary retreat to Mar-a-Lago). However, at present, there is no real necessity to hire Manafort for the sole purpose of “running the convention.” There are numerous capable individuals who could fulfill that role. The other reason provided makes more logical sense. According to The Washington Post, Manafort’s responsibilities would also encompass fundraising for the presumptive GOP nominee’s campaign.

During the 2016 campaign, Manafort, who hasn’t been involved in fundraising in America for quite some time, showcased his expertise in dealing with Russian oligarchs and spies. Journalist Marcy Wheeler points out that Manafort’s contact, Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian asset who is currently indicted in the United States, had previously proposed a quid pro quo arrangement to Manafort. The offer entailed Russian assistance in the election in return for granting Russia the opportunity to divide Ukraine.

The deal did not materialize during the first term, but one can understand why Trump, facing financial difficulties, would consider re-establishing that connection. It appears evident that Trump is prepared to finalize the agreement if he wins the November election. It is evident that he plans to cut military funding and allow Russia to exert its influence over the country (and potentially other regions as well).

The bizarre and unexplainable connections between Trump, Ukraine, and Russia have been a recurring theme for the past eight years, and Trump’s strange willingness to continually involve himself in this scandal remains unchanged. Despite investigations, impeachments, trials, and convictions, he simply cannot let it go. His submissive behavior towards Russian President Vladimir Putin, his animosity towards Ukraine, his nonsensical justification for ending NATO based on its financial contributions, and his recent remarks suggesting he would allow Russia to invade any country of their choosing, all defy logical explanation, even for him. While it is evident that he is a superficial and immature narcissist who enjoys cozying up to dictators in hopes of being accepted into their exclusive circle, this does not completely account for his seemingly limitless desire to demonstrate his loyalty to Vladimir Putin.

Now, he is considering rehiring the convicted felon whom he had previously pardoned. This individual had confessed to engaging in money laundering on behalf of Russian oligarchs, but now Trump wants him to handle fundraising. It’s clear that Trump is under immense pressure, fearing that his lies about his wealth will be revealed, potentially leading to a complete downfall. However, it seems unbelievable that he would be so careless as to seek a bailout from such a questionable source. Then again, given his track record of evading consequences, why wouldn’t he take such a risk?

According to him, he has a fondness for Putin and understands that Putin reciprocates the sentiment. Throughout their relationship, Putin has consistently supported him. It’s only natural for him to seek help from his trusted friend during challenging times.

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