These Are The 5 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Delaware

Delaware, the second smallest state in the U.S., is known for its beautiful coastlines, tax-free shopping, and rich history. However, like any state, it has its share of neighborhoods that face significant challenges with crime. Understanding these areas can be crucial for residents, prospective homebuyers, and policymakers alike. This article will delve into the five most dangerous neighborhoods in Delaware, providing detailed statistics, facts, and insights to paint a comprehensive picture of the safety concerns in these areas.

Delaware, despite its small size, boasts a diverse range of communities, each with its own unique characteristics. While many areas are safe and thriving, others grapple with higher crime rates. This article focuses on the neighborhoods in Delaware with the highest crime rates, providing a detailed analysis of each area.

Understanding Crime Rates

Crime rates are typically measured in terms of incidents per 1,000 residents, covering various types of crime such as violent crime (murder, assault, robbery) and property crime (burglary, theft, vandalism). The factors contributing to high crime rates are multifaceted, including economic disparity, lack of educational opportunities, and insufficient community resources.

Neighborhood 1: Wilmington’s East Side


Wilmington’s East Side is often highlighted as one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Delaware. This area, known for its historical significance and cultural diversity, has struggled with high crime rates for many years.

Crime Statistics

According to recent data, Wilmington’s East Side has a violent crime rate of 20 incidents per 1,000 residents and a property crime rate of 45 incidents per 1,000 residents. These numbers are significantly higher than the national averages.

Factors Contributing to Crime

Several factors contribute to the high crime rates in Wilmington’s East Side:

  • Economic Disparity: High levels of poverty and unemployment.
  • Lack of Educational Opportunities: Limited access to quality education.
  • Insufficient Community Resources: Inadequate social services and community programs.

Community Efforts and Resources

Despite these challenges, there are numerous efforts to improve the situation:

  • Community Policing: Increased police presence and community engagement.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Groups like the Delaware Center for Justice work to provide support and resources.
  • Youth Programs: Initiatives aimed at providing education and employment opportunities for young people.

Neighborhood 2: Southbridge, Wilmington


Southbridge is another Wilmington neighborhood that faces significant safety challenges. Known for its tight-knit community, Southbridge has a rich history but also a high crime rate.

Crime Statistics

In Southbridge, the violent crime rate stands at 18 incidents per 1,000 residents, while the property crime rate is 42 incidents per 1,000 residents. These figures are alarming compared to state and national averages.

Factors Contributing to Crime

Several key factors contribute to the crime rates in Southbridge:

  • Industrial Decline: Loss of jobs due to the decline of local industries.
  • Environmental Issues: Pollution and lack of green spaces.
  • **Drug

problems:** High levels of drug-related activity and addiction.

Community Efforts and Resources

Efforts to improve safety and quality of life in Southbridge include:

  • Community Revitalization Projects: Initiatives aimed at improving housing and public spaces.
  • Health Programs: Organizations like the Southbridge Medical Advisory Council provide healthcare services.
  • Educational Outreach: Programs focused on enhancing educational opportunities and outcomes for local youth.

Neighborhood 3: Riverside, Wilmington


Riverside is another neighborhood in Wilmington that struggles with high crime rates. This area, historically known for its close-knit community and vibrant culture, has seen an increase in crime over the years.

Crime Statistics

Riverside has a violent crime rate of 17 incidents per 1,000 residents and a property crime rate of 40 incidents per 1,000 residents. These rates are significantly higher than the state averages.

Factors Contributing to Crime

Several factors contribute to the high crime rates in Riverside:

  • Poverty: High levels of poverty and economic inequality.
  • Education: Limited access to quality educational facilities.
  • Social Issues: Issues such as drug abuse and gang activity.

Community Efforts and Resources

There are various efforts aimed at improving the situation in Riverside:

  • Neighborhood Watch Programs: Community-driven initiatives to increase vigilance and report suspicious activities.
  • Youth Engagement Programs: Activities and programs aimed at keeping young people engaged and away from crime.
  • Economic Development Initiatives: Programs focused on creating job opportunities and supporting local businesses.

Neighborhood 4: New Castle’s Simonds Gardens


Simonds Gardens in New Castle is a neighborhood that has faced significant crime challenges. This area, primarily residential, has experienced high crime rates, impacting the quality of life for its residents.

Crime Statistics

Simonds Gardens has a violent crime rate of 16 incidents per 1,000 residents and a property crime rate of 38 incidents per 1,000 residents. These figures are concerning and highlight the need for intervention.

Factors Contributing to Crime

The following factors contribute to the crime rates in Simonds Gardens:

  • Economic Hardship: High unemployment rates and economic instability.
  • Housing Issues: Poor housing conditions and lack of affordable housing.
  • Social Services: Insufficient access to social services and support systems.

Community Efforts and Resources

Efforts to address crime in Simonds Gardens include:

  • Community Policing: Increased police presence and engagement with the community.
  • Housing Improvement Projects: Initiatives aimed at improving housing conditions and creating affordable housing options.
  • Support Services: Organizations providing support for families and individuals in need.

Neighborhood 5: Dover’s Downtown Area


Dover’s Downtown Area, the heart of Delaware’s capital city, also grapples with significant crime issues. While it is a hub for business and culture, it has a higher-than-average crime rate.

Crime Statistics

The violent crime rate in Dover’s Downtown Area is 15 incidents per 1,000 residents, with a property crime rate of 37 incidents per 1,000 residents. These rates are among the highest in the state.

Factors Contributing to Crime

Several factors contribute to the high crime rates in Dover’s Downtown Area:

  • Urban Decay: Neglect and decay of urban infrastructure.
  • Homelessness: High levels of homelessness and lack of support services.
  • Drug Activity: Prevalence of drug-related crimes and addiction issues.

Community Efforts and Resources

Efforts to combat crime in Dover’s Downtown Area include:

  • Revitalization Projects: Initiatives to improve urban infrastructure and public spaces.
  • Homeless Support Services: Organizations providing shelter and support for the homeless.
  • Law Enforcement Programs: Enhanced law enforcement presence and community engagement programs.


While Delaware is known for its rich history and vibrant communities, certain neighborhoods face significant challenges with crime. Wilmington’s East Side, Southbridge, Riverside, New Castle’s Simonds Gardens, and Dover’s Downtown Area are the five most dangerous neighborhoods in the state, each with unique factors contributing to their crime rates.

Understanding the underlying causes of crime in these areas is crucial for developing effective solutions. Economic development, improved educational opportunities, enhanced social services, and community engagement are key components of any strategy to reduce crime and improve safety.

Efforts by community organizations, law enforcement, and local governments are making a difference, but continued support and intervention are needed to ensure these neighborhoods can thrive. By addressing the root causes of crime and fostering a sense of community, it is possible to create safer, more vibrant neighborhoods for all Delaware residents.

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