Tennessee Governor is Willing to Sign any Legislation Presented to Him

Hello from Cicada-ville, a place that should not be mistaken for Margaritaville.

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee rarely declines a bill that comes to his desk, as he is usually supportive and hesitant to disappoint.

In his six years as governor, the Republican leader has refrained from vetoing any bills, although he has permitted a few to become law without his signature. This includes the truth in sentencing bill and the legislation criminalizing homelessness in 2022, both of which he did not actively support.

Lee asserts that he will take decisive action if needed, although it should be noted that the governor of Tennessee holds a relatively weak position, as the Legislature can override their decisions with a simple majority vote.

During the recent closing press conference for the 113th General Assembly, Governor Lee expressed his firm stance on vetoing any bills that he disagrees with and deems inappropriate. He emphasized, “It’s safe to say that if a bill comes across my desk that I disagree with and believe that it’s appropriate to veto it, I’ll veto it.” (The governor spent Thursday touring storm-damaged Maury County, so he can get a little slack here.)

Lee explained that there hasn’t been any legislation that he deemed worthy of a veto. He attributed this to the collaborative efforts between his office and the leadership. Lee emphasized the importance of diligently reviewing bills and ensuring that those which may warrant a veto do not reach his desk.

It can be inferred that the governor is in favor of almost all bills that are presented to his office. It is evident that his office diligently monitors the numerous nonsensical proposals that arise in the legislative arena each year. Hence, when he states that he cannot provide a comment on a bill until it reaches his office, it is simply his way of avoiding discussions about it.

He has legislative liaisons who work tirelessly to prevent some strange bills from becoming law, as he is likely to sign them if they are passed.

“It requires a significant amount of effort to ensure that bills we deem unworthy of progress, and potentially deserving of a veto, do not reach that stage.”

“I must acknowledge that I failed to veto a bill during my six-year tenure as Governor,” stated Gov. Bill Lee candidly.

During the committee debate, Cepicky admitted that he is not aware of any cases where vaccines have been added to food without clear labels. However, as a member of the Tennessee Legislature, it is important to anticipate and address potential issues in order to protect the well-being of Tennesseans across the state, from Memphis to Mountain City.

The governor, although not as quick to act as he was when signing the bill to replace Tennessee State University’s board of directors, eventually signed the “sick tomato” bill after 12 days.

The measure had to be expedited, undoubtedly, to allow TSU to commence a presidential search. This was prompted by lawmakers who made life difficult for Glenda Glover, although the true culprits for the university’s financial struggles were the past and present lawmakers who have consistently underfunded TSU for the past century.

Lawmakers this session prioritized providing businesses with a $1.9 billion franchise tax cut and rebate instead of allocating the necessary facilities and funds for the historically Black university to thrive. This decision means that the university will continue to face financial challenges for the foreseeable future.

The Legislature devoted an excessive amount of time to discussing whether to poison Bigfoot with chemtrails rather than focusing on the more important task of replacing the TSU board with Gov. Lee’s carefully selected directors. These directors are expected to be an improvement over the previous appointees chosen by former Gov. Bill Haslam.

Republican Rep. Monty Fritts of Kingston and Republican Sen. Steve Southerland of Morristown collaborated on a bill out of concern for potential government intervention in the atmosphere. Fritts expressed unease about the possibility of the federal government introducing undisclosed chemicals into clouds to manipulate weather patterns. Similarly, Southerland expressed apprehension about airplane emissions, particularly the vapor trails left by jets that intersect the sky on clear, sunny days.

During the House debate, concerns were raised about the potential impact of these chemtrails on the survival and reproduction of Bigfoot or Sasquatch. It was suggested that these mysterious creatures, known for hiding in the mountains from Cherokee, North Carolina to Denver, Colorado, could be affected by the chemtrails, leading to fewer sightings. The discussion extended to the idea that the chemtrails could have far-reaching consequences, stretching into infinity and beyond.

Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee seems to be in favor of a proposal that prohibits the injection of vaccines into vegetables. He also supports a theory that suggests the government is secretly introducing chemicals into clouds. Additionally, he wasted no time in signing a bill that removes all board members of Tennessee State University, replacing them with individuals he personally selected.

Every little action we take to strengthen the gene pool can be helpful, although it may not be as peculiar as the lengthy debate aimed at preventing first-cousin marriage. One would think that common sense alone would handle such matters.

When I turned 60, my attitude took a nosedive. You might think I’ve lost my mind, and you could be onto something.

Tennessee lawmakers have one constitutional requirement – to pass a budget.

Lawmakers are focusing their attention on red-meat bills for primary voters, targeting the LGBTQ community and asserting control over people’s lives from conception to death. Despite having $2 billion to distribute to businesses, big farmers, and private schools, they seem to prioritize these contentious issues. It’s worth noting that they claim to know us even before our parents met.

It is important to remember that they must take action in order to validate their purpose, ensuring that money continues to flow towards lobbyists and into their own election funds. They are well aware that Governor Lee will fall into their trap.

No need for state money?

In recent years, TSU has faced challenges due to a housing shortage. This shortage was partly caused by the increasing number of historically Black universities and the administration’s difficulty in declining admission to aspiring students.

The Legislature responded by allocating $200 million for campus improvements. In line with this, the Industrial Development Board of Metro recently gave the green light to a $180 million bond issue for the development of Cobblestone Village, a 719-bed apartment complex situated adjacent to TSU.

TSU is fortunate because it won’t be responsible for the funds, as mentioned in the release. Instead, the nonprofit organization National Development & Infrastructure Corporation will be borrowing the money and assuming the debt in this public-private partnership.

According to the release, the initiative aims to address the enduring challenge of housing at TSU and tackle the social crisis surrounding it. It adopts a market-driven approach in an effort to provide a viable solution.

I suppose the only remaining question is: Why did it take such a long time?

Let the mud fly

The campaign against 4th District Senate Republican Jon Lundberg in northeast Tennessee by Bobby Harshbarger has started off with a lot of turbulence.

Yager wrote that he believes there could be an attempt to evade campaign finance limits, in addition to collusion between the campaigns.

According to a report from WJHL in East Tennessee, a complaint has been filed regarding text messages that criticized Lundberg for his positions on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants and a potential “bathroom bill” that could have resulted in legal action for using the wrong restroom. Lundberg responded to the texts by stating that they contained false or misleading information.

I was once in a situation that reminds me of waiting outside a Cracker Barrel restroom somewhere between here and Eastern Kentucky. I waited for what felt like forever, only to see a little 80-something-year-old woman come out. She looked up at the sign on the door and innocently said, “Oh, I didn’t know I was in the men’s room.” It didn’t matter if she was a man, woman, chicken, or child; the situation was so amusing that I couldn’t help but laugh.

Harshbarger’s campaign treasurer, Phillip Marshall, asserts that he is not associated with the East Tennessee Conservatives PAC or his client’s mother’s committee.

East Tennessee Conservatives PAC received a substantial amount of $95,000 from the American Policy Coalition in Alexandria, Virginia. This situation raises concerns about the influence of undisclosed funding in state elections, where the outcomes are determined by divisive issues such as immigration and personal attacks.

If you’re unsure, it’s easy to blame those who have less power or authority. However, a simple reminder like “please be a sweetie and wipe the seatie” (as seen at Cracker Barrel) can go a long way.

A little shell game

Lawmakers this session rejected a bill introduced by Democratic Representative Aftyn Behn of Nashville. The bill aimed to eliminate the 4% grocery sales tax and instead establish a mechanism for collecting taxes on funds held in offshore accounts.

Instead, the Legislature has passed a bill that is currently awaiting Gov. Lee’s signature. This bill provides local governments with the option to reduce the local sales tax on groceries.

According to The Nashville Banner, Hendersonville officials have made a request while the Board of Mayor and Aldermen deliberates on the possibility of setting a referendum for a half-cent sales tax increase. The purpose behind this increase would be to allocate funds for parks, public safety, and road work.

Hendersonville Mayor Jamie Clary is seen contemplating the decision of cutting one tax while considering the possibility of raising another.

It raises the question: Why would someone choose to raise one thing while simultaneously lowering another?

But despite this, they seem determined to move forward. According to the Banner report, Mayor Jamie Clary acknowledges that the reduction will result in a loss of approximately $2 million per year for Hendersonville, starting from the end of 2024. It’s hard to ignore the fact that this money could be better utilized for important infrastructure projects, such as street paving.

Hendersonville has recently completed the construction of a greenway along Drakes Creek and Sanders Ferry Road, eliciting mixed opinions from the public. While some view it as a futile endeavor, others regard it as the city’s most remarkable achievement. However, the construction of community centers has been avoided due to concerns about attracting undesirable individuals.

“If you start feeling chilly, I’ll impose a tax on the warmth. And if you decide to take a leisurely stroll, I’ll tax your feet,” sings the iconic band, The Beatles, in their famous song “Taxman.”

By the way, does anyone know why the group refers to Mr. Wilson and Mr. Heath in this little ditty in order to increase audience participation?

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