Teenage boy arrested and charged for assaulting elderly woman outside Queens church

A 16-year-old boy has been taken into custody and is facing charges in relation to a…

I stood outside a church in Queens.

On Thursday, law enforcement apprehended the teenager for various offenses, which encompass robbery, assault, grand larceny, and criminal possession of stolen property.

On Sunday morning, a disturbing incident occurred outside St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Jamaica Hills.

Irene, a 68-year-old mother of two, was on her way to service when she fell victim to an attack by a male suspect.

The woman sustained a fractured skull and black eye, but she is currently in stable condition in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Following the attack, the perpetrator forcefully seized Irene’s purse, which contained her car keys and cell phone.

The stolen vehicle, a 2006 Nissan Altima belonging to the victim, was found by the police the following night, about 3.5 miles away from the church.

The police successfully extracted a fingerprint from the car they found.

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