Sentencing for Elizabeth man convicted in 2022 road rage attempted murder case to take place on Friday

A man from New Jersey is scheduled to be sentenced on Friday following his conviction for.

A road rage incident took place in Elizabeth.

Vincent Jean, 56, faced a jury trial in February where he was found guilty on several charges, including first-degree attempted murder.

Prosecutors have stated that Jean deliberately drove towards 23-year-old Morgan Scott while she was capturing photographs of his vehicle following a minor car collision at the intersection of Salem Avenue and Aberdeen Road in April 2022.

Scott endured devastating injuries, which included a fractured neck, spine, and lacerated liver. She was promptly transported to University Hospital in critical condition.

Elizabeth police found Jean alone in the driver’s seat of his parked SUV on Jefferson Avenue. According to prosecutors, Jean is currently unemployed and has a previous conviction for aggravated assault, demonstrating a history of violence.

A video captured the terrifying incident, which had at least five witnesses present.

In the court ruling, the judge expressed that Jean demonstrated a complete disregard for human life, describing it as a remarkable miracle that the victim managed to survive.

Jean faced a range of serious charges, including second-degree aggravated assault, third-degree aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, third-degree assault by auto, third-degree leaving the scene of a motor vehicle accident with serious bodily injury, third-degree endangering an injured victim, and third-degree possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose.

Jean could potentially face a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison.

Dan Krauth provides an update on the current status of New York City’s squatter’s law.

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