RNC Chair Accidentally Claims Americans are Doing Better Now than During Trump’s Presidency – Twice

Freshly appointed as the Chair of the Republican National Committee, Michael Whatley expressed his frustration during an episode of America’s Newsroom on Friday.

Whatley and RNC co-chair Lara Trump wasted no time making their mark at the organization, initiating a massive layoff of over 60 staffers just days into their new roles. Lara Trump, who happens to be the daughter-in-law of former President Donald Trump, is no stranger to the Republican party.

During an interview with Fox News, Bill Hemmer questioned Whatley about the significant reorganization.

“There was a major shakeup at the RNC recently,” he said. “How will that impact the organization?”

“Whatley chimed in,” he said.

“We’re restructuring the committee to prioritize our efforts for the upcoming primary,” he answered. “Until now, we’ve been solely focused on the primary race. However, with a presumptive nominee, it’s crucial for us to align our programs and campaign efforts with the president’s vision.”

Whatley then repeated a common argument made by those running against sitting presidents: are Americans better off now than they were when the president first assumed office? However, he approached the question from a different angle, ultimately resulting in his answer having the opposite impact he had intended.

According to him, it all boils down to a straightforward comparison between President Trump and President Biden. He asks, “Were you better off four years ago than you are today?” For the entire country, the answer is a resounding yes. We are better off today, and we will continue to be better off under President Trump than under President Biden.

In 1980, during a debate with President Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan posed a famous question to Americans: “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

Several prominent Republicans are currently facing a dilemma as they grapple with campaign rhetoric that echoes the question asked in 2020: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” This dilemma arises from the fact that four years ago, the country was in the midst of a pandemic that severely impacted the economy. Despite this, Fox’s Sean Hannity boldly declared on Thursday night that Democrats cannot use this question as a campaign strategy.

You can watch the video clip on Fox News.

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