A proposal by the City of Buford to annex land near neighborhoods in Gwinnett County has sparked a strong opposition from the local community. Residents are concerned that the development of warehouses in the area will lead to increased traffic, road damage, and a decline in property values.
Residents living on Camp Branch Road in unincorporated Gwinnett County expressed their strong opposition to the construction of warehouses, as they believe it would destroy the picturesque beauty that greets them at the entrance of their subdivision near I-85. According to Channel 2 Gwinnett County Bureau Chief Matt Johnson, these neighbors are vehemently against the warehouses taking over the scenic greenery in their area.
The Buford proposal outlines a plan that encompasses five warehouses and a four-story storage facility. In order to proceed, the city commissioners must first annex over 300,000 square feet on Camp Branch Road and re-zone the residential area to an industrial zone.
Neighbor Susan Rogers expressed her concern, stating, “I have this overwhelming feeling of being invaded. It seems like we’re slowly becoming prisoners in our own neighborhood.”
Rogers, like many other homeowners, shares concerns about the potential damage to the roads caused by 18-wheelers. This issue not only contributes to increased traffic but also has an impact on property values.
Jim Zehe predicts that the homes in this area will experience a significant decrease of 20-25%. According to him, the lush green trees will be eradicated and replaced with a concrete landscape.
Buford City Manager Bryan B. Kerlin informed Channel 2 Action News that the Planning and Zoning Board has unanimously endorsed the plan for approval.
The proposal is set to be voted on by Buford City Commissioners during their upcoming meeting on June 3 at 7 p.m.
State Representative Farooq Mughal is representing the area and expressing concerns about the proposed plans. He intends to have a meeting with city officials prior to the vote on Monday.
He expressed his willingness to act as a mediator and collaborate with both the city and the constituents in order to find ways to minimize the impact of this situation.