Recognition given to State Senator Arthur Orr for saving a life

Last July, two Alabama state senators went through a life-threatening emergency during an overseas visit, and as a result, they share an unbreakable bond. Recently, one of them has been praised for his heroic actions during the ordeal. The incident happened in Decatur, Alabama.

In an interview with News 19 on Monday, State Senator Tim Melson of Florence expressed his joy by saying, “I feel great! Compared to where I was in August to today, it’s like night and day.”

Last July, during an education and economic development trip to Korea and Vietnam, Melson had a cardiac event while touring the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea.

Melson reflected on the intriguing situation of having his event in a foreign country, and how there was no sense of panic amongst the crowd. “It was quite an experience,” he stated.

Fortunately, Decatur’s Alabama State Senator Arthur Orr quickly took action to assist his colleague.

Using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and performing CPR, Orr was able to keep Sen. Melson alive until local paramedics arrived. Thanks to the quick actions of Orr and the paramedics, Sen. Melson’s life was ultimately saved.

During his interview with News 19 on Monday, Orr maintained a humble attitude regarding his involvement in the situation.

During “National CPR & AED Awareness Week”, the ceremony took place. According to Matt Russell, the Executive Director of the Alabama Fire College, the story of Melson & Orr serves as a perfect illustration of how having knowledge about the basics of CPR can make a significant difference.

Legislation has been introduced as a result of the situation. The latest legislative session saw the passing of the “Senator Tim Melson Act”, which will come into effect from the 2024-2025 school year.

Alabama public schools will now have expanded CPR and AED training, thanks to the bill sponsored by Sen. Arthur Orr. Reflecting on the situation, Sen. Orr shared that it has had a significant impact on him.

Orr expressed his satisfaction with being a part of the process that resulted in a positive outcome, stating, “I was glad to be a part of that.”

Expressing his gratitude, Melson conveyed that he holds his fellow state senator, Orr, in high regard. “I really think the world of him,” he stated.

During Monday’s ceremony, two AEDs were donated by Cardiac Solutions, a medical device company based in Birmingham. These life-saving machines will be installed in schools that fall under the districts of Sen. Orr and Sen. Melson.

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