Putin secures Russian presidency and discusses Navalny situation

Vladimir Putin expressed his gratitude to the Russian citizens for their support and trust as early election results indicated a decisive victory in the country’s presidential race.

In his victory speech, Putin celebrated his win as a testament to the unwavering trust placed in him by the Russian citizens.

In his upcoming term, the President emphasized his administration’s focus on bolstering the defense capabilities of the Russian Federation and addressing matters related to special operations. He further described the election results as a clear demonstration of the citizens’ trust in his leadership.

He also expressed admiration for the bravery of the Russians living in border areas, specifically referring to Ukraine. He emphasized that no one has been able to intimidate them, and they continue to display remarkable courage. He assured that law enforcement officers will identify and take appropriate actions against those who are engaged in acts of hostility against Russia.

Putin expressed his gratitude to all Russian citizens for their unwavering support and trust.

During his victory speech, Putin addressed reporters’ questions and asserted that a proposal had been made to release imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny before his untimely demise.

Putin revealed that he was informed of a proposal to trade Navalny, who was still alive at the time, for incarcerated individuals in Western nations.

According to the Russian President, he agreed to something but with one condition – “so that he does not return,” he emphasized.

In his reflection on the incident, Putin expressed his regret, stating, “Unfortunately, the incident occurred as it did.”

The Russian presidential election came to a close on Sunday, marking the end of the voting process. Putin, who had no significant competitors, emerged as the clear favorite in the election.

According to the commission, the voter turnout for the election in Russia stood at 74.22%. In the hours leading up to the closure of polling stations, there were long queues of voters observed at embassies both within Russia and abroad.

Thousands of Russians participated in “Noon against Putin” protests in Russia and abroad on the final day of voting. Demonstrators voiced their demands for an end to the war in Ukraine through signs and banners.

According to officials, authorities detained over 75 individuals across 17 cities in Russia on the final day of the presidential election.

Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader who tragically passed away in a Russian prison last month, expressed her support for the protests and exercised her right to vote at the Russian embassy in Berlin.

Golos, an independent election monitor, recorded a total of 1,580 reports regarding potential violations that occurred at various polling stations.

By the end of the third day of voting, at least 35 Russians had been detained for setting fire to polling stations and defacing ballots with paint. One particularly notable incident took place in Perm, where a 64-year-old woman detonated a powerful firecracker, resulting in the loss of her arm, according to investigators.

In the 2018 elections, Putin emerged victorious, receiving an overwhelming 76.69% of the votes from participating citizens. The voter turnout for the presidential elections of that year stood at approximately 68%.

Anatoly Antonov, the Russian Ambassador to the United States, stated to the state news agency TASS that Moscow does not consider Washington’s opinion on the results of the current presidential elections in Russia to be significant.

Antonov emphasized that Russia has already rejected the United States’ stance of not recognizing the outcomes of the vote in new Russian regions.

Antonov expressed his disregard, stating, “We don’t care about you at all.”

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