Over 1,000 local families receive meals from Grocery Giveaway initiative

On Saturday morning, the Cramton Bowl Multiplex was bustling with excitement as churchgoers gathered to serve their community. The Church of the Highlands joined hands with several other local churches and organizations to offer free groceries, haircuts, and clothing to families in need.

Chris Erwin, the Pastor of the Church of the Highlands’ Montgomery Campus, announced that their church is celebrating their annual Serve Day today. Thousands of their members are actively participating in the community, while the event is taking place in 12 other locations across America. He added that many churches are joining hands together to serve people in need.

During the summer months, events that tackle food insecurity become even more critical as children are unable to access school meals. The recently held event received an overwhelming response, with registration closing almost a week before the scheduled date. The organizers aimed to assist around 2,500 individuals, but according to Pastor Erwin, they ended up helping double that number.

Erwin announced that they are distributing 500,000 pounds of food across the nation today. Locally, they are giving away around 60,000 pounds of food. He further added that they have around 1,200 families represented, which accounts for roughly 5,000 people who will receive groceries today.

Serve Day has a significant impact on the River Region, with nearly 70 service projects taking place in the area alone. Additionally, numerous other projects are organized across the country.

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