Once again, the South emerges as the fastest-growing region in the country, surpassing the West in growth.

    • The South’s population growth is accelerating, driving economic growth.
    • Counties in Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia saw some of the fastest growth in 2023.
    • The South saw its population grow throughout the pandemic, a trend not seen elsewhere.

The American South is experiencing a period of great success and progress.

New data released by the US Census Bureau reveals that Southern states, including Texas, Georgia, and South Carolina, are experiencing a significant boom in their population. In fact, counties in the South recorded a higher average population growth rate compared to other regions in the country. This surge in population is not only reshaping the demographics of these states but is also fueling substantial economic growth in the region.

According to the Census data on counties, the region experienced a faster average growth in 2023 compared to 2022. Last year, approximately two-thirds of the South’s 1,422 counties witnessed population growth, a significant increase from the previous year where 59% of counties in the region grew. Moreover, the growth rate for counties in 2023 was higher than that of 2022, with an average annual population change of 0.56% compared to 0.31% in the previous year.

In 2023, the population growth among counties in the West experienced a slowdown, as indicated by the average percent change. Conversely, both the Midwest and the Northeast witnessed an acceleration in their rate of growth.

Texas dominated the list of the fastest-growing counties with populations of at least 20,000, claiming six out of the top 10 spots. These counties were primarily located outside of major cities such as Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Additionally, counties outside Atlanta, in southern South Carolina (just north of Savannah, Georgia), and outside Richmond, Virginia, also secured a place in the top 10 list.

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