NJ Mom’s Murder Sparks International Manhunt And Stunning Twist

Tragically, the mother and financial adviser met a devastating end as she was fatally shot in the home she shared with her boyfriend, James R. Ray III, a 55-year-old attorney.

James Ray’s brother, Robert, was overcome with emotion as he read a heartfelt letter penned by James on the evening of October 22, 2018. The one-page typed letter was discovered by Robert’s former wife in his niece’s suitcase.

Robert and his wife rarely had the opportunity to spend time with their niece. Therefore, they were pleasantly surprised when James unexpectedly asked them to look after his and Angela’s young daughter for a day.

In the letter, it was revealed that James had shot and killed Bledsoe, which he argued was an act of self-defense. Essex County Assistant Prosecutor Michele Miller informed “20/20” that Robert Ray called 911 after reading the letter’s contents.

While authorities were searching for Ray, the family and friends of Bledsoe were grieving her untimely death. Lisa LaBoo, Bledsoe’s sister, fondly remembers her as a bright and accomplished woman who had successfully graduated from Florida A&M University. During her time at the university, Bledsoe was actively involved in student government and was a dedicated member of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority.

LaBoo marveled at the incredible number of job offers she had received, a staggering total of 11. He couldn’t help but express his admiration for her intelligence and dedication, noting that she was not only incredibly smart but also a diligent worker.

After graduating, Bledsoe relocated to New York City where she landed a prestigious job in the finance industry. Her success was evident as she even managed to buy a brownstone in Brooklyn.

Brooke Dean, Bledsoe’s cousin, expressed her awe at the fact that not many 27-year-olds have the ability to purchase their first home, especially in a prime location like New York, specifically in the borough of Brooklyn, and to top it off, in a charming brownstone.


During her time as a financial adviser, Bledsoe had the opportunity to meet James R. Ray, III. He had hired her to join his insurance brokerage firm. Prior to venturing into the business world, Ray had an impressive background, having served as a United States Marine, an NYPD officer, and even earning a law degree.

According to Dean, the couple’s initial involvement didn’t come as a surprise. They had a lot in common when it came to business, as Dean remembers.

From the very beginning, it seems that there were challenges in Ray and Bledsoe’s relationship, according to her family. One significant problem was Bledsoe’s discovery that Ray was already married when they began dating.

According to Bledsoe’s friend Jamila McCoy, she does not remember how she discovered the situation, but she was understandably upset. It goes against Bledsoe’s nature to be involved with a married man, and it certainly wasn’t her preference. However, according to Dean, the situation took a more serious turn when Angela discovered that she was expecting a baby.

“I started to dislike him, and their dynamic together didn’t sit well with me,” Dean expressed. “However, everything changed when she became pregnant with their daughter; I believe that solidified their bond.”

In 2012, their daughter was born, and a few years later, Angela and the little girl relocated to Ray’s Upper Montclair residence. mAccording to McCoy, Bledsoe was determined to provide her daughter with the best experiences, opportunities, and exposure. To achieve this, she decided to enroll her in a private Mandarin language immersion school.

Tensions between Bledsoe and Ray were escalating behind closed doors. Ray accused Bledsoe of infidelity, and in response, Bledsoe confided in her family about her plans to leave. Concerned loved ones witnessed the mounting intensity as Bledsoe shared heated text messages from Ray.

According to Essex County Assistant Prosecutor Michele Miller, Bledsoe reached her breaking point in the relationship.

“According to Miller, Angela Bledsoe expressed her decision to end the relationship to James Ray through a text message. She made it clear that she had reached her limit and was no longer willing to continue.”

Bledsoe’s family asserts that there was no indication of Bledsoe’s potential for violence towards Ray, despite her apparent desire to end their relationship. Dean expressed his belief that instead of harboring ill will towards him, she actually pitied him due to her eventual departure. Dean added that he couldn’t fathom her resorting to threats or attempting to harm him.

According to Ray, the circumstances leading to Bledsoe’s demise differ from what has been previously stated in his letter. In a letter to his brother, Ray recounted a chilling incident where Angela, while handling one of his guns, had seemingly aimed it at him. Reacting in the heat of the moment, he instinctively pulled the trigger and couldn’t control the rapid succession of shots.

The Bledsoe family couldn’t believe it when they heard the accusation that Bledsoe had threatened Ray with a gun. Deborah Roberts, the co-anchor of “20/20,” conducted an interview with LaBoo for this report. Roberts asked if the sister had any familiarity with guns.

“No,” LaBoo interrupted.

“Roberts inquired about shooting guns.”

LaBoo denied that she had any involvement in the matter. Ray remained on the run even after more than a week had passed since Bledsoe’s death.

After Essex County issued an international warrant for Ray, investigators received a crucial and surprising lead. It was discovered that Ray had fled the country, making his way to Mexico City before ultimately ending up in Cuba. This move proved to be strategic, as Cuba does not have an extradition agreement with the United States.

FBI agent Brandon Lackey vividly remembers the unexpected phone call he received from his supervisor. The request was simple but astounding: could he fly to Cuba the following day? Lackey never fathomed that he would find himself in such a situation, taking a fugitive into custody on Cuban soil.

On Halloween 2018, Lackey arrived in Havana, and Cuban law enforcement handed Ray over to American federal agents. Ray was transported to New Jersey on an FBI plane, and he was subsequently detained at the Essex County Correctional Facility in Newark.

When they apprehended him, authorities made another discovery: a handwritten diary spanning 18 pages. In this diary, Ray detailed his own account of the events that unfolded on that fateful day when Bledsoe was shot.

During an interview with Deborah Roberts, Miller was asked about the significance of Ray’s writings. Roberts inquired about the importance of the journal in Miller’s case, noting that it chronicled a significant part of his escape.

Miller emphasized the significance of the process, stating that it played a critical role in determining the credibility of the individual’s claims. “By comparing the evidence at hand, we can either support or challenge the assertions made by the person,” Miller explained.

Four years had passed since Ray gunned down Bledsoe, but justice was finally being served as he stood trial for her murder. The courthouse was filled with Bledsoe’s grieving family and friends, who showed up every day to support her and seek closure.


Led by Miller, the prosecution team faced the formidable task of dismantling Ray’s self-defense claim and ensuring justice for the Bledsoe family.

According to Miller, one particularly unsettling aspect of this case was that Bledsoe’s young child was taken to school by her mother one morning and never saw her again.

Ray had the support of an intense and dramatic defense attorney from New Jersey, Brooke Barnett. The trial was marked by its bitter and prolonged nature, with the stand being filled with high emotions and severe accusations.

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