New mineral water bottling facility ribbon cutting ceremony attended by Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey

A new bottling facility was opened by Alabama Mineral Springs, LLC on Wednesday in Jemison, Alabama.

The history behind its bottled water product, “Simply Artesian,” is an essential part of the brand.

According to Alabama Mineral Springs, their history dates back over 165 years to the discovery of springs in Chilton County, which were initially utilized as an on-site healing center.

The bottling process of the purified water has been completed and it is now ready to hit the store shelves. According to Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, this plant has become an integral part of Alabama’s economy and is continuing to grow.

According to Ivey, Alabama Mineral Springs is a hard-working small business that has established its roots deep in our state. She also mentioned that the plant has the capability to bottle 5,000 servings per hour, which may even reach the folks in Mississippi and the Florida panhandle.

According to Marty Malizio, the CEO of Alabama Mineral Springs, it was his business partner Diana Windsor who discovered the springs approximately five years ago.

Malizio noticed that the spring was gushing out of the earth and flowing into a culvert pipe. Intrigued by the phenomenon, he decided to investigate further. The following day, he examined the spring closely, collected a sample to determine its mineral content, and began his analysis. It was an exciting discovery for Malizio, and he was eager to learn more.

State Senator April Weaver (R-Brierfield) expressed her enthusiasm for turning a historic location in a rural area into a significant economic development project, stating that it would be a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Ellen McNair, the Secretary of the Alabama Department of Commerce, praised the collaboration between communities in rural areas, citing it as a remarkable model for success. “It’s an excellent example for not just our communities, but for others as well,” she said.

Malizio relies heavily on his faith and credits it as the foundation of his success. “We’re grounded in that, and I lean on that,” he shared. “If I didn’t have that, we wouldn’t be right here. If we didn’t have His guidance.”

Piggly Wiggly has teamed up with Alabama Mineral Springs to offer the people of Alabama access to “Simply Artesian” water throughout the state.

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