Missing child cases with significant public attention at risk of becoming unsolvable

Unfortunately, some cases of missing children in Tennessee are becoming cold with no new leads. It is a heartbreaking reality that some families are still searching for answers and closure.

It has been three years since Summer Wells disappeared, and unfortunately, her case bears a striking resemblance to that of Sebastian Rogers.

Usually, it takes several years after a child goes missing to consider a case closed.

Summer and Sebastian are still the subject of active Amber Alerts, and the search to find them continues.

In Hawkins County, east Tennessee, it’s been three years since the disappearance of five-year-old Summer from her home.

It’s been quite a while since the child went missing.

According to experts, the chances of successful recovery decrease as time goes by. Only one percent of children are known to survive beyond 24 hours. However, many are hoping and praying that Summer Wells will be part of that one percent. As one person put it, “she’s going to be a one percenter.”

After Summer’s disappearance, Margie Quinn made a statement.

According to Quinn, leading the TBI’s Amber Alert Program, time is of the essence.

As we flew over the search area in Sky5, we witnessed the extensive efforts of the search teams on the ground.

Despite more than six thousand tips called into the TBI, nothing has ever been found and there are still no leads to date.

Many people believe that it is improbable for Summer to have simply wandered away on her own, and instead, it is more probable that she fell victim to a crime.

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In 2021, TBI Special Agent Jeff Lofquest stated that interviews will be conducted with neighbors and sex offenders residing in the area, as well as individuals with a higher likelihood of committing such crimes.

The Sebastian Rogers case has also undergone the same process by the authorities.

It has been almost four months since the 15-year-old boy went missing from his home in Hendersonville.

Investigators are skeptical that the teenage boy with autism simply wandered away on his own, especially given the lack of scent detected by K-9s.

Eric Craddock, an investigator from Sumner County Sheriff’s department, stated that while they have not yet cleared anyone, they do not have any evidence to suggest foul play.

However, in any case.

According to insiders, the current situation is the most probable outcome.

Officials are currently investigating two fresh leads related to Sebastian’s disappearance, including a reported sighting of an individual resembling him in eastern Tennessee.

So far, there hasn’t been any substantial evidence or clue that could lead to a credible breakthrough.

You can reach out for help by calling 1-800-TBI-FIND in case you need any tips.

A recent court filing has claimed a link between the leak of Covenant records and a whistleblower within the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD).

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