MHP to hold a job fair this weekend due to shortage of manpower

The Mississippi Highway Patrol is also facing a shortage of law enforcement personnel, just like many other agencies across the country. This issue is prevalent and affecting the entire nation.

Mississippi Highway Patrol Trooper First Class Taylor Shows stated that their manpower is currently at its lowest point.

According to reports, MHP is struggling to catch up with its competitors.

According to Shows, although they have been conducting patrol schools for consecutive years, they are faced with a challenge of losing more officers due to retirement compared to the number of graduates they produce. “We have graduated back-to-back patrol schools for the last few years, but every time we put a class out, we have more people than that retire,” Shows said. Hence, they are unable to fill the gap created by the retirement of officers with each new class.

MHP troops are taking action to combat the shortage by hosting job fairs throughout the state.

According to Shows, the job fair is set to be a statewide event. All substations in the state, except for Troop C, will be hosting the fair at their respective offices, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

“We aim to encourage individuals who are hesitant about applying to become fully committed,” said the spokesperson.

According to Shows, the MHP is seeking individuals who are dedicated and willing to serve their community with hard work.

Shows emphasized the need for qualified individuals to join the class and complete it. He expressed that anyone wearing the blue-and-gray uniform would be eager to welcome and assist new applicants. According to him, having more people in the class would enhance their ability to serve Mississippi’s public better. He reiterated that public service is the ultimate goal of the job.

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If you’re still unsure about which show to watch, Shows has some advice for you.

According to Shows, the best advice he could give is to not overthink it and take the leap. “Just do it,” he says. He assures that joining the Highway Patrol is a decision one will not regret, as it is a close-knit community that feels like one big family.

Wearing this uniform means having each other’s back unconditionally. It’s the best career anyone could ask for, and it’s the best one I will ever have, without a doubt.

The job fair for Troop J is scheduled for Saturday at 10 a.m. and will take place at 35 J M Tatum Industrial Drive.

The deadline for submitting applications for Cadet Class 69 is August 16th.

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