Man steals mail from Cobb post office

A man stands accused of burglarizing the Mableton Post Office and making off with a bag filled with pilfered mail.

According to court records, Deshawnte Velez is facing an arrest warrant for alleged crimes that took place in March.

Velez faces charges of burglary and theft for being in possession of stolen mail.

According to Channel 2 Cobb County Bureau Chief Michele Newell, police discovered the stolen mail inside a residence where they had been summoned for criminal trespassing.

Court documents reveal that Velez was present in the residence alongside two other individuals who possessed a fraudulent lease.

During their investigation, authorities uncovered a total of 96 checks among the stolen mail scattered throughout the premises.

According to security cameras, Velez was caught breaking into the Mableton Post Office and leaving with stolen mail.

During the search of the residence where Velez was apprehended, law enforcement officers discovered a total of 10 stolen checks originating from the post office.

Susan Barnes, a resident of Brookside Drive, expressed her discomfort at the thought of someone in such close proximity being able to steal her mail or that of her neighbors.

Sterling-Christine Pridgeon, a resident of the neighborhood, expressed a sense of unease due to the presence of theft and scamming activities. However, now that the threat has been eliminated, she feels more at ease.

A “For Rent” sign hangs on the home located at Brookside Drive, while a no trespassing notice is affixed to one of the windows.

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