Man from Garden Grove accused of manslaughter for shooting homeless man

Craig Sumer Elliott, a 68-year-old man, has been charged with manslaughter by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office for the fatal shooting of Antonio Garcia, a homeless man, during a September incident. The confrontation took place on Katella Avenue in Garden Grove, when Elliott was out jogging with his dogs and cart, and encountered Garcia, who was sleeping on the sidewalk. Elliott attempted to move Garcia, which led to a confrontation that resulted in Garcia’s death.

The altercation between Elliott and Garcia took a turn for the worse when Elliott used his cart to nudge Garcia. This resulted in a heated argument, which ultimately led to Garcia throwing a shoe at Elliott. In response, Elliott – who had a concealed carry permit – fired three shots at Garcia, ultimately resulting in his untimely death.

The Garden Grove Police Department arrested Elliott on November 17, and he is currently facing charges of voluntary manslaughter and a firearm use enhancement. He was released on bail for $100,000, and his next court appearance is scheduled for December 15.

According to District Attorney Todd Spitzer, the incident was a devastating result of a minor argument. If found guilty, Elliott could face up to 21 years in prison.

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