Katie Britt Shifts Blame in Desperate Fundraising Appeal

In a fundraising email sent on Tuesday, Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) addressed the backlash she received for her State of the Union rebuttal. Despite the embarrassment felt by some within her own party, Britt is attempting to leverage the situation to her advantage. She expressed her heartfelt sadness for those she believed she was representing.

“They targeted my faith. They targeted my identity as a mother and wife,” she exclaimed.

Britt’s awkward speaking style became the target of ridicule from popular shows like “The Daily Show,” “Saturday Night Live,” and even the Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel. However, on Fox News, one host had a contrasting opinion, praising Britt’s performance as “great” and “natural.” Despite the mixed reviews, Britt herself expressed that she felt disheartened by the criticism.

“I didn’t stand up to Biden and prepare a 20-minute speech for myself. It wasn’t about me. It was for the future of our children, your children, and the entire next generation of Americans. I did it for you, my friend,” she passionately expressed.

“I know you feel the same way, my Friend. That’s why I’m relying on you to join me in delivering this important message!” the urgent plea stated.

In her passionate appeal, Britt expressed her concerns about the fading American Dream. She urged her supporters to take a stand against the radical left and show them that they cannot dismiss their beliefs. The email included a link to Britt’s campaign donation site on Win Red, where she reiterated her criticism of the Democrats and the media for their shortcomings.

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign announced that it received a remarkable $10 million in donations within 24 hours following his address.

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