Jimmy Fallon Draws Parallels Between Trump and Iconic Movie Villain Following Former President’s Recent Pledge

Donald Trump has promised to take action on one particular issue if he is re-elected to the White House. Jimmy Fallon is feeling a bit wary about this promise, as it gives off a villainous vibe.

During a recent episode of the “Tonight Show,” the host highlighted a statement made by former President Trump. If reelected, Trump pledged to prioritize the release of the Jan. 6 defendants. This announcement elicited a humorous response from the host, who jokingly referenced stores selling antlers and bear spray, suggesting that they would be excited about the news.

“Yeah, he wants to set all of them free from jail,” Fallon added, noting the irony. “It’s unsettling when your grand plans align with those of the Joker.”

In a recent post on his social media platform, Donald Trump expressed his plans for his presidency, stating, “As your next President, my first actions will include closing the border, embracing energy independence with the motto ‘DRILL, BABY, DRILL,’ and ensuring the release of the January 6 hostages who are currently being wrongfully imprisoned.”

In the past, he has consistently come to the defense of individuals who were found guilty for their involvement in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Furthermore, he has previously hinted at the possibility of granting pardons to certain individuals involved in the incident.

According to the Justice Department, over 1,300 individuals have been arrested and charged in connection with the riot. Among them, almost 500 have been charged specifically with assaulting or impeding law enforcement.

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