Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in Texas? Here’s What the Law Says

The question of whether it’s legal to marry your cousin is surprisingly complex. Cousin marriage carries historical baggage, evokes strong opinions, and has laws governing it that vary from state to state. In Texas, the answer is a qualified “yes”, with restrictions. Let’s explore Texas law regarding cousin marriages, and the reasons behind those laws.

Brief History of Cousin Marriage

  • Historical Prevalence: Cousin marriage has been historically common in many cultures worldwide, often for reasons of consolidating power, preserving wealth within families, or strengthening social ties.
  • Religious Influence: Various religions have differing views on cousin marriage. Some faiths have explicitly allowed, or even encouraged the practice, while others forbid it.
  • Scientific Understanding: As the science of genetics progressed, concerns arose about the increased risk of passing on recessive genetic disorders to offspring from closely related parents.

Texas Law on Cousin Marriage

  • Restrictions: Texas Family Code, Chapter 6, Subchapter B, explicitly prohibits marriages between specific close relatives. These include:
    • Ancestors and descendants (parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, etc.)
    • Siblings (whole or half-blood)
    • Aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews (whole or half-blood)
  • Exceptions: Texas law DOES permit marriage between first cousins once-removed. This means the children of your first cousin are legally eligible marriage partners.

Reasons for Restrictions

  • Genetic Concerns: The primary rationale behind laws restricting cousin marriage is the increased risk of genetic disorders in children. Closely related individuals share more genetic material, increasing the likelihood of both parents carrying recessive genes for the same disorder. Children born from these unions have a higher chance of inheriting two copies of the recessive gene, leading to conditions like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and certain developmental disabilities.
  • Social and Ethical Considerations: Besides genetics, there are social and ethical arguments against cousin marriage. Some concerns include:
    • Potential for exploitation or abuse within close-knit families
    • Societal disapproval or stigma
    • Issues of informed consent, particularly in cultures where arranged marriages are common.

Changing Perspectives on Cousin Marriage

  • Scientific Nuance: While the health risks from cousin marriage are real, recent studies suggest the risk may be lower than previously understood. For the general population, the chance of having a child with a birth defect is around 3-4%. For first cousins, the risk increases by roughly an additional 2%.
  • Cultural Considerations: In some cultures, cousin marriage remains a common and accepted practice. Proponents may argue that it strengthens family bonds and offers advantages in terms of compatibility and understanding.
  • Emphasis on Individual Choice: Modern perspectives on cousin marriage increasingly focus on the right of consenting adults to make their own choices about relationships and marriage.

Legal Challenges and Alternatives

  • Challenges to Laws: There have been legal challenges to state laws prohibiting cousin marriage, with some arguing they violate fundamental rights to marriage and privacy.
  • Alternatives: For couples who are closely related and wish to marry in Texas, potential alternatives include:
    • Marrying in a state or country where cousin marriage is legal
    • Pursuing a committed relationship without legal marriage


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