Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in Florida? Here’s What the Law Says

The question of whether it’s legal to marry one’s cousin is surprisingly complex. Cousin marriage legality varies widely across the globe, with cultural influences and varying interpretations of potential genetic risks forming the basis of restrictions or acceptance. In the United States, the laws regarding cousin marriage differ from state to state.

This article will delve into the legality of marrying your cousin in the state of Florida, examining historical context, the current law, potential benefits and risks, and frequently asked questions about this topic.

The concept of cousin marriage sparks a range of reactions, from curiosity to disapproval. While the idea may seem taboo to some, it has a long history across various cultures. The legality of cousin marriage, however, is not uniform. Florida has specific laws regarding marrying within familial relationships.

Historical Perspective on Cousin Marriage

Historically, cousin marriage was quite common and sometimes even preferable. It was seen as a way to strengthen family ties, consolidate wealth and property, and maintain cultural traditions. Famous examples of cousin marriages include Charles Darwin and Emma Wedgwood, Albert Einstein and Elsa Einstein, and Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

However, over time, as scientific understanding of genetics advanced, concerns about the potential health risks for offspring from such unions began to surface. Today, societal and legal views on cousin marriage are more divided, with some cultures continuing to embrace the practice while others heavily restrict or ban it.

Florida Law on Cousin Marriage

Florida Statute Section 741.21 directly addresses marriages between relatives:

  • Prohibited Marriages: “No person may marry a lineal ancestor or descendant or a sister or brother, whether the relationship is by the half or the whole blood.” [Florida Statutes 741.21]

This law clearly states that marriages between siblings, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, etc., are illegal. However, it does not specifically mention cousins. Therefore, first-cousin marriage is legal in the state of Florida.

Potential Benefits of Cousin Marriage

  • Familial Bonds: Marrying a cousin can strengthen existing family relationships and create a sense of closeness and shared history.
  • Cultural or Religious Traditions: In some cultures or religions, cousin marriage may be preferred or even encouraged.

Potential Risks of Cousin Marriage

  • Genetic Risks: Children born from first-cousin marriages have a slightly increased risk of inheriting recessive genetic disorders. While the overall risk remains low, it’s higher than for children of unrelated couples.
  • Social and Ethical Concerns: Some people view cousin marriage as morally questionable or socially stigmatized.

FAQs on Cousin Marriage in Florida

Is it legal to marry my first cousin in Florida?

  • Yes, it is currently legal to marry your first cousin in Florida.

What are the requirements for marrying a cousin in Florida?

  • The requirements are the same as for any other marriage in Florida – both parties must be of legal age, capable of consent, and not currently married to another person.

Are there any exceptions to the law?

  • Florida law does not specify any exceptions for cousin marriages. However, it’s important to consult an attorney if specific circumstances exist that might warrant further inquiry into potential legal ramifications.

How common is cousin marriage in Florida?

  • It’s difficult to obtain precise statistics on the frequency of cousin marriages in Florida. However, compared to some states with stricter laws, it is assumed to be a relatively uncommon practice.


Florida law permits the marriage of first cousins. This decision carries both potential benefits and risks. It’s crucial for individuals considering marrying their cousin to make a well-informed choice, weighing familial bonds, cultural traditions, and the potential for increased genetic health risks.

It’s strongly advised to explore the following resources for further information:


Important Disclaimer

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is essential to consult with a qualified attorney for any specific legal questions or concerns regarding family law.

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