Governor Ivey declines to convene special session to revisit unsuccessful gambling legislation

The legislative session has come to a close in Montgomery, Alabama, leaving Governor Kay Ivey with a number of items to review. However, the issue of gambling remains unresolved.

Alabama Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Reed expressed his astonishment at the sheer productivity of the session, noting that they covered a wide range of topics. He emphasized that every decision made during the session was solely for the betterment of the people of Alabama.

The gambling bill fell short of one vote needed for passage in the state senate. Unfortunately, the topic was not even discussed during the final day of the legislature.

“We were on the verge of success, but it felt just out of reach,” expressed Bobby Singleton, Alabama Senate Minority Leader.

Reed believes that the citizens of Alabama should be given the opportunity to vote on whether they would like to have a lottery.

According to Reed, the voting process involves individuals, both men and women, who make decisions based on various factors and considerations. They determine what they believe is best for their respective districts, and these individual votes are then combined. If there is a sufficient number of votes to support a particular initiative, it moves forward. However, if there isn’t enough support, the initiative does not progress. Reed, who has been in the legislature for 14 years, acknowledges that this topic is regularly discussed and holds significant importance.

Singleton expresses his disappointment over the failure of the gaming bill to pass.

“I believe we have the ability to create a package that can garner support and secure that crucial vote. I genuinely feel confident about this now that I have a clear understanding of what went wrong,” Singleton expressed. “Although we may have encountered a few setbacks along the way, it’s important to remember that hindsight is always 20/20.”

According to CBS 42’s political analyst Steve Flowers, polls indicate that 80% of Alabamians are in favor of having the chance to vote on gaming within the state. Flowers suggests that the senators who voted against the bill will have to confront dissatisfied constituents upon their return home.

According to Flowers, it is challenging for legislators to justify denying their constituents the right to vote on a lottery. She questions how they can go home and essentially tell their constituents that they are not smart enough to make such a decision. Flowers emphasizes that even those who attend Sunday school often engage in betting on sports games.

Ivey has stated that she does not intend to convene a special session specifically to address the passage of the gambling bill.

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