Gov. Josh Green Warns Landlords Of Potential Consequences Following Hawaii Fire

Mocobizscene- Governor Josh Green (D-HI) has issued a stern warning, stating that he is prepared to take decisive action by implementing emergency orders. He intends to convert approximately 3,000 temporary vacation rentals into permanent housing options for those affected by the devastating wildfire that ravaged the island of Maui in August. The governor’s determination to address the housing needs of displaced survivors is evident in his strong stance.

According to Green, there are currently 6,297 residents who are still residing in hotels after more than four months since the devastating wildfire. This wildfire, which claimed the lives of at least 97 individuals, stands as the deadliest wildfire in the United States in over a century.

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According to Green, at least 12,000 units are currently legally rented on a short-term basis in Maui. However, when considering rentals without legal permits, the number of available units could potentially be as high as 25,000.

The historic area of Lahaina was devastated entirely by a devastating wildfire, resulting in the destruction of around 2,200 buildings with an estimated value of over $5 billion. The majority of the destroyed structures, approximately 86%, were residential buildings.

According to Green, landlords should be incentivized to comply with the request through county tax benefits and rent subsidies offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

On Monday, FEMA sent letters to short-term rental operators across the island, providing them with an offer to reimburse them at the same rent level they earned last year for their units. The agency aims to cover the rent expenses for around 2,000 families. For the remaining 1,000 families who do not meet the criteria for federal aid, the state of Hawaii and private philanthropists will step in to provide the necessary support.

According to Green, there is absolutely no reason for individuals to pass up on this opportunity if they are interested in contributing to the solution.

Green plans for the measures to remain in effect for two years, providing ample time for the construction of more sustainable housing options in Maui. The governor has not yet provided an estimate of the cost for the state of Hawaii in the new budget proposal, which is expected to be released on Monday.

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