Google Programmer Receives Prison Sentence for Threatening to Murder Justice Roberts

A man from Florida has been sentenced to 14 months in prison for making threats to kill U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.

Neal Brij Sidhwaney, a previous Google programmer, allegedly left a profanity-filled and threatening voice message for the U.S. Supreme Court on July 31, 2023.

Before the summer recess of the U.S. Supreme Court in June, Roberts attempted to establish a way to enforce a court ethics code but did not succeed. Roberts received letters from members of Congress expressing their “serious concerns” regarding reports that Justice Samuel Alito had connections to a hedge fund manager involved in several Supreme Court cases, and Justice Clarence Thomas had been receiving extravagant gifts from wealthy acquaintances.

In late June, the Supreme Court delivered a decision that significantly weakened affirmative action in American universities.

Sidhwaney was arrested in August on charges of making interstate threats and pleaded guilty to these charges in December. The sentencing was conducted by U.S. District Judge Marcia Morales Howard, as stated in a press release issued by the Department of Justice.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has chosen not to disclose the identity of Justice Roberts. However, court documents pertaining to Sidhwaney’s psychological evaluation do mention his name. According to these documents, Sidhwaney was diagnosed with delusional disorder with psychosis and was found to have “fixed delusional beliefs.”

According to the New York Post, Dr. Alan J. Harris, who conducted Sidhwaney’s psych evaluation, revealed that his paranoia started when he left Google. Sidhwaney firmly believed that Google had implanted a microchip in his head and foot.

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