El Paso judge releases migrants arrested in southern border ‘riot’ on Easter: report

According to a report, an El Paso judge released some migrants who were allegedly involved in a chaotic stampede that overwhelmed National Guard troops at the southern border in Texas on Easter Sunday.

During a bond hearing, Presiding Magistrate Judge Humberto Acosta made the decision to release migrants who were charged with “riot participation” following the recent shocking riot along the Rio Grande, as reported by the El Paso Times.

According to the paper, Acosta made the decision to release the defendants because he believed that the El Paso District Attorney’s Office was not prepared to proceed with detention hearings for each individual.

During the virtual conference, Acosta announced that all individuals involved in the riots would be released on their own recognizance, as per the court’s ruling.

Texas authorities have made arrests of migrants on charges related to rioting, following a disturbing incident where razor wire was torn down and guards were knocked over. The shocking footage of the scene was captured by The Post.

A Denver official has suggested that migrants should consider relocating to New York City, warning them that they could potentially face even greater hardships if they were to remain where they currently are.

On March 21, the guardsmen were outnumbered by mostly adult males who crossed the border. The guardsmen were struggling to group them together for transfer into Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) custody.

During the intense and chaotic incident, a large number of migrants managed to hastily make their way towards a border gate, desperately hoping that the Border Patrol agents on the other side would apprehend them and grant them entry into the United States. As a result of this tumultuous situation, a few guardsmen sustained minor injuries.

It remains unclear whether the judge’s ruling on Sunday applies to the migrants who were charged with assault of a public servant and criminal mischief, or if it only pertains to those charged with “riot participation.” This information was reported by the El Paso Times.

According to the newspaper, court officials have stated that migrants will continue to be held in detention if there is a federal immigration hold preventing their release.

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Assistant District Attorney Ashley M. Martinez made a request on Sunday to have the hearings postponed to a later date. However, Acosta denied the request.

The number of migrants who were charged with “riot participation,” a misdemeanor, remains unclear.

According to the newspaper, Judge Acosta asserted that “hundreds of arrestees” were entitled to individual detention hearings within 48 hours.

According to reports, Acosta stated that if the DA’s office is not prepared to proceed, the individuals will be released on their own recognizance.

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