Cuomo Fights Back by Filing Lawsuit Against NY AG Letitia James in Quest for Exonerating Documents

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo takes legal action against Attorney General Letitia James in a bid to release investigation documents he believes will help him fight sexual harassment lawsuits

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is making a bold move by suing Attorney General Letitia James in an effort to obtain the release of 180 documents related to the sexual harassment investigation that led to his resignation.

Cuomo firmly believes that these documents are crucial to proving his innocence in the face of lawsuits brought against him by two women who have accused him of sexual misconduct during his time in office.

The lawsuits arise from an investigation launched by James’ office into allegations of misconduct by Cuomo, which ultimately led to his resignation in 2021. However, Cuomo has consistently maintained that the entire process was a politically motivated witch-hunt orchestrated by James, his long-time adversary, and continues to assert his innocence.

Eleven women have come forward with allegations against Cuomo, accusing him of a range of misconduct, from groping to verbal harassment. While Cuomo has apologized for any comments that may have been misinterpreted, he firmly denies any physical wrongdoing.

Cuomo is currently facing lawsuits from an anonymized New York State Trooper and Charlotte Bennett, a former aide. Bennett claims that Cuomo subjected her to harassment by asking inappropriate questions about her personal life, while the State Trooper accuses Cuomo of making unwanted physical contact and advances.

Brittany Commisso, another former aide, has accused Cuomo of touching her inappropriately. She had considered filing a lawsuit last year but has not yet done so. Her allegations initially resulted in criminal charges against Cuomo, but those charges were later dropped.

Cuomo’s team claims that James has consistently declined to release the interview transcripts with the women. The New York Daily News has also been denied requests to make these records public.

Cuomo and his attorneys are adamant that the public release of these documents will not only vindicate him but also benefit the public at large. Rich Azzopardi, Cuomo’s spokesman, emphasized, “Each revelation that has emerged in the past two years has only served to undermine the credibility of Tish James’ flawed report,” as reported by

No charges have been filed against Cuomo despite the ongoing investigation into the allegations.

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