Colombian authorities apprehend notorious drug lord “The Tsar” at opulent villa

In a collaborative operation between Colombian and Spanish authorities, a notorious drug lord involved in supplying cocaine to European criminal organizations has been apprehended. The arrested individual, Julio Andres Murillo Figueroa, 49, had a history of association with Pablo Escobar, the notorious leader of the Medellín Cartel during the 80s and 90s, according to the police.

On March 1, authorities apprehended Figueroa, 49, at his opulent villa in Antioquia. The individual, commonly referred to as H-1 or El Zar (“The Tsar”), was wanted by Spain for his involvement in aggravated drug trafficking and his affiliation with a criminal organization.

According to Spanish police, the suspect is believed to have a direct role in overseeing the operations of the Medellin cartel in Europe. Additionally, the individual is said to be responsible for maintaining connections between the cartel and criminal organizations such as the ‘Ndrangheta and Mocro Maffia.

The ‘Ndrangheta, a criminal organization hailing from southern Italy, and the Mocro Maffia, a predominantly Moroccan gang, are two distinct groups with their own unique characteristics and origins.

Colombian police have identified Figueroa as the primary supplier to Jonas Sture Falk, also known as the “Swedish Pablo Escobar.” They have confirmed that Figueroa has direct connections to the Gulf Clan, which is Colombia’s biggest drug cartel.

Spain plays a pivotal role as a major gateway for cocaine entering Europe due to its strong connections with South America, the primary source of the drug.

In February, Spanish authorities confiscated a total of eight tons of white powder that had arrived from Suriname. Similarly, in August 2023, they intercepted 9.5 tons of the same substance in a container from Ecuador.

Colombia is responsible for the production of approximately 60% of the world’s cocaine. According to a recent report by the United Nations, it was revealed that potential coca production in the country has increased by 24% since 2021.

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