Camera footage captures brutal attack and robbery at Bronx bodega, suspects sought by authorities

Authorities in the Bronx are currently on the hunt for two suspects who violently robbed a bodega, stealing $1,500 in cash. The entire incident was captured on surveillance video, which has been released to aid in the investigation.

Wearing medical masks to cover their faces, the two robbers swiftly entered the deli, striking one of the employees on the head with a gun without any warning or opportunity for cooperation. They emerged from a silver sedan and charged into the store with a sense of urgency.

According to the store owner, the individual believed that he had been shot when he was hit with the gun.

As the robbery unfolded, the young worker in his 20s fell out of frame, although he did not sustain any gunshot wounds. One of the robbers stood on the counter and pointed his gun at the three workers, while the other robber proceeded to grab the cash.

After the robbers fled the scene, the owner of the Gourmet Deli on Morris Park Avenue received a call about the incident minutes after leaving the store. Without wasting any time, the owner immediately reported the robbery to the police, who then conducted a thorough search of the surrounding area.

“The guys are nowhere to be found,” exclaimed the owner as I accompanied two cops in search of them.”

According to authorities, a string of burglaries has occurred over the past fortnight, starting from Sunday, July 7th, with three delis and bodegas in the Bronx and two in Queens being targeted by the culprits.

They are able to escape with the money every time they brandish the same firearm.

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On Tuesday, the robbery incident stood out as it involved physical assault on an employee. The store owner, who chose to remain anonymous, expressed his disapproval of the unnecessary violent attack, which could have potentially been fatal. The employee would have most likely complied without any resistance.

“The owner expressed his frustration, stating that a man has been in the hospital for three days without any valid reason,” he said.

In an interview with Eyewitness News, the store owner expressed that this is the first time such an incident has occurred at his establishment. He noted that there has never been any form of altercation or dispute within the premises before.

The apprehension of the suspects is crucial for him as he aims to prevent any further damage to small businesses. According to him, the suspects’ behavior suggested that they believed they could escape without consequences.

According to the owner, the individuals in question believe that they have complete autonomy and are not accountable to anyone. “They think right now that they can do whatever they want. Nobody can control them,” stated the owner.

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