Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in Arkansas!

Arkansas, known for its picturesque landscapes and warm hospitality, is a state where community and safety are highly valued. However, like any other state, Arkansas is not immune to crime. Ensuring the safety of our neighborhoods requires vigilance and awareness of our surroundings. This article aims to highlight the importance of recognizing suspicious activities and knowing when to call the police. By staying informed and proactive, we can contribute to making our communities safer for everyone. All the information in this article is based on the report by MSN.

Overview of Crime in Arkansas

Crime rates in Arkansas have seen fluctuations over the years, with some areas experiencing higher rates than others. According to recent data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, Arkansas has a crime rate that is above the national average. Violent crimes, including homicide, assault, and robbery, are prevalent in certain urban areas, while property crimes like burglary and theft are common across both urban and rural regions.

In 2022, Arkansas reported a violent crime rate of 7.3 per 1,000 residents, compared to the national average of 4.0. Property crime rates were also higher, with 27.4 incidents per 1,000 residents versus the national average of 21.1. These statistics underscore the importance of being aware of potential threats and knowing how to respond appropriately.

Suspicious Activities to Watch For

Certain behaviors and activities can be indicative of criminal intent. Recognizing these signs can help prevent crimes before they occur. Here are some key activities to watch for:

  1. Loitering Around Homes or Vehicles: Individuals lingering near homes or vehicles without a clear purpose can be a red flag. They might be casing the area for potential burglary targets.
  2. Peering Into Windows: Someone looking into windows of homes or cars is likely searching for valuables or checking if anyone is home. This behavior should be reported immediately.
  3. Unfamiliar Vehicles: Vehicles that are not recognized by residents, especially if they are parked in unusual locations or for extended periods, can be suspicious. They might be used for surveillance or as a getaway car.
  4. Solicitors Without Identification: Door-to-door solicitors who cannot provide proper identification or seem overly interested in the layout of your home may have ulterior motives.
  5. Unusual Noises: Sounds of breaking glass, prying at doors or windows, or other unusual noises during odd hours should be reported.
  6. Discarded Tools or Personal Items: Finding tools like crowbars, screwdrivers, or personal items such as gloves or masks near your property can indicate a previous or planned break-in.
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Specific Incidents in Arkansas Cities

Little Rock

Little Rock, the capital city of Arkansas, has experienced its share of crime, particularly in certain neighborhoods. In recent years, there have been several high-profile cases of burglary and home invasions. For example, in 2023, the Hillcrest neighborhood saw a spike in home burglaries. Residents reported seeing unfamiliar vehicles and individuals loitering before the crimes occurred.


Fayetteville, known for its vibrant college town atmosphere, has also seen incidents of suspicious activities. In the past year, there have been multiple reports of people peering into homes in the Wilson Park area. These incidents were often followed by break-ins, highlighting the importance of reporting such behavior.

Fort Smith

In Fort Smith, a series of car thefts were linked to individuals loitering around parking lots and residential areas. Residents noticed suspicious vehicles and individuals who appeared to be scoping out potential targets. Prompt reporting of these activities helped the police apprehend several suspects.


Jonesboro has experienced a mix of violent and property crimes. In 2022, there was a notable increase in burglaries in the downtown area. Residents reported seeing individuals trying to open car doors and peering into windows. These reports led to increased police patrols and a subsequent decrease in crime.

North Little Rock

North Little Rock has dealt with its share of suspicious activities, particularly in the Argenta neighborhood. Residents reported unfamiliar individuals knocking on doors late at night, asking strange questions, or claiming to be lost. These behaviors often preceded attempted break-ins.

What to Do if You Encounter Suspicious Activities

When you encounter suspicious activities, it is crucial to act quickly and appropriately. Here are the steps you should take:

  1. Stay Calm: Keep your composure to accurately assess the situation and take the necessary actions.
  2. Observe and Document: Take note of important details, such as the appearance of individuals, descriptions of vehicles (including license plate numbers), and the exact nature of their activities. Documenting these details can be vital for the police.
  3. Do Not Confront: Avoid confronting suspicious individuals directly. This can escalate the situation and put you in danger. Instead, observe from a safe distance.
  4. Call the Police: Contact your local police department immediately to report the suspicious activities. Provide them with all the details you have gathered. In Arkansas, you can dial 911 for emergencies or use the non-emergency number for less urgent situations.
  5. Inform Neighbors: Share information about the suspicious activities with your neighbors, especially through neighborhood watch programs or social media groups. This collective awareness can enhance community safety.
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Community Involvement and Safety Tips

Communities play a crucial role in preventing crime. By working together, residents can create a safer environment for everyone. Here are some tips on how to foster community involvement and enhance safety:

  1. Start or Join a Neighborhood Watch: Neighborhood watch programs are effective in deterring crime. They encourage residents to look out for each other and report suspicious activities promptly.
  2. Organize Community Meetings: Regular meetings with local law enforcement can help residents stay informed about crime trends and prevention strategies. It also provides an opportunity to voice concerns and share observations.
  3. Improve Home Security: Invest in security systems, such as cameras, motion sensor lights, and alarm systems. These measures can deter criminals and provide valuable evidence in case of an incident.
  4. Keep Your Property Well-Maintained: A well-kept property can discourage criminals, as it signals that the residents are vigilant. Trim bushes, install good lighting, and ensure that doors and windows are secure.
  5. Educate Yourself and Your Family: Stay informed about common crime tactics and teach your family members how to recognize and respond to suspicious activities. Knowledge is a powerful tool in preventing crime.


Ensuring the safety of our neighborhoods in Arkansas requires vigilance, awareness, and community involvement. By recognizing suspicious activities and knowing when to call the police, we can help prevent crimes and protect our communities. Remember to observe, document, and report any unusual behavior, and work together with your neighbors to create a safer environment for all. Stay informed, stay proactive, and let’s keep Arkansas safe.

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