Burglar Trespasses Lakewood Residence As Family Enjoys Movie Night Upstairs

Mocobizscene- The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department increased police presence in a Lakewood neighborhood this week following a terrifying incident. A family discovered an intruder inside their home last Saturday, prompting the authorities to take immediate action.

“We are currently in an era where no one feels safe,” expressed Meka Davis, a resident.

The suspect moved stealthily around Davis’ home for three minutes while she and her grandchildren were engrossed in a movie upstairs.

“It was quite frightening when I glanced at my Ring video and noticed a man scaling over the wall,” she expressed.

After scaling her 6-foot wall, the man proceeded to enter her home through a slightly ajar sliding glass door. Surprisingly, he didn’t steal anything but returned outside, leaving the family even more frightened.

Davis explained that he was simply observing and keeping track, patiently waiting for something to happen.

The grandmother raised her voice and alerted the man to her presence, causing him to flee. He swiftly leaped over her neighbor’s wall, vanishing into the darkness. According to the information provided on Friday, investigators informed her that the suspect gained entry through two openings in the gate of the Lakeview County Golf Course, which runs parallel to her residence.

“We want those to be repaired,” Davis expressed. “I’ve been having discussions with some of the neighbors, and they also believe that it’s necessary to fix them.”

Throughout the week, deputies have reported sightings of the same suspect in various individuals’ backyards.

Davis expressed that she no longer feels safe in her own home.

“I don’t want to sound like a victim, but that’s exactly how I feel. I feel like I’ve been victimized,” she expressed. Lauren Pozen provided valuable insights for this report.

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