Biden urges women to support him, claiming that Trump has taken away abortion rights

In a highly publicized speech in Florida, President Joe Biden directly addressed his rival, Donald Trump, and placed the blame on him for the proliferation of abortion bans following the Roe v. Wade ruling. Biden urged women voters to support him in the upcoming November elections, emphasizing the importance of standing against those who oppose reproductive freedom.

In a speech delivered from Hillsborough Community College outside Tampa, Joe Biden made it unequivocally clear that there is only one individual to hold accountable for this disastrous situation: Donald Trump. With just one week remaining before the state’s strict six-week ban takes effect, Biden highlighted Trump’s admission and boasts regarding his involvement.

According to Biden, Trump was responsible for taking away women’s freedom across the country by appointing three Supreme Court justices who ruled against Roe. However, Biden emphasized that women have the political power to resist and fight back against these decisions.

He emphasized the importance of teaching Donald Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans a valuable lesson: the women of America should not be messed with.

In the midst of the general election fight, Biden’s recent appearance has drawn mixed reactions. While Trump faced jeers, Biden received cheers for his staunch defense of abortion access. This event serves as the latest high-profile effort by his campaign to highlight this contentious issue.

Before the event, Biden’s team had indicated that his speech would connect the availability of contraception, in vitro fertilization, and abortion to the outcome of the upcoming 2024 election. This approach aimed to illustrate the significant implications of this election cycle.

During his speech, the president highlighted the challenges faced by women who are compelled to travel long distances for essential abortions or those who are unable to receive immediate medical attention due to restrictions imposed by their states.

In 2022, he criticized Trump’s stance on the U.S. Supreme Court decision, which overturned Roe and handed the issue back to local authorities.

In the years that followed, a total of 21 states have implemented various restrictions or outright bans on abortion.

In a sarcastic tone, Biden criticized a previous comment made by Trump about the effectiveness of state actions. Mocking Trump’s statement that “the states are working very brilliantly,” Biden pointed out the six-week ban in Florida as an example. He questioned the brilliance of a ban that occurs before women even realize they are pregnant.

In addition, Biden highlighted the connection between Trump and a recent ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court. This ruling, which dates back to the Civil War era, aims to reinstate a stringent ban on nearly all abortions in the state. If implemented, this ban could take effect as early as June.

In his remarks, Biden emphasized that Trump’s stance on the ban goes too far and should be reversed. He strongly asserted that Trump’s actions are essentially taking us back 160 years.

According to Biden, abortion should not be left as a matter for individual states to decide. Standing in front of a “Restore Roe” sign, he reiterated his commitment to enacting legislation that would safeguard the protections established by Roe v. Wade, provided that enough Democratic lawmakers are elected and he remains in the White House.

“Trump is mistaken, and so is the Supreme Court. The right to abortion should be enshrined as a constitutional right in the federal Constitution, applicable to all Americans regardless of their place of residence,” stated Biden. “This is not a matter of states’ rights; it is a matter of women’s rights.”

The Biden campaign has been consistently criticizing Trump on the topic of abortion, particularly his recent position that it should be decided by local officials and voters.

In a significant shift, Trump emphasizes his backing for three vital exceptions in cases of rape, incest, and the life of the pregnant woman. He firmly states that if elected, he will not endorse a nationwide ban on abortion, contrary to his previous commitment.

Earlier this month, he stated that they returned it to the states, and it is functioning as intended.

In his Tuesday speech, Biden criticized this stance, arguing that Trump is concerned about facing accountability for the state-level restrictions that have caused “cruelty and chaos” among the people.

“We will hold Trump accountable,” Biden stated, delivering the bad news for the former president.

According to him, voters should not put their trust in Trump’s stance on abortion at present, considering his track record. He questions, “How many instances does he need to demonstrate that he cannot be relied upon?”

According to Biden, he described the Dobbs decision, which overruled Roe, as a miracle.

Referring to a recent piece of Trump merchandise, Biden remarked, “Maybe it’s coming from that Bible he’s trying to sell. Whoa, I almost wanted to buy one just to see what the hell’s in it.”

Voters speak

June Johns, a resident of St. Petersburg, Florida and a registered Democrat, expressed her deep concern regarding women’s reproductive rights in the United States.

“I find it difficult to understand how one can support the pro-life movement without showing concern for the well-being of women,” Johns expressed. “Furthermore, my presence here is attributed to my belief that Joe Biden offers us one of the greatest opportunities to safeguard our democracy.”

Abortion ‘will decide this election,’ Dems say

Democrats have been capitalizing on the issue of abortion access, garnering victories in both battleground and red states when it appears on the ballot since 2022. This week, Biden’s campaign highlighted the trend as they previewed his trip on Tuesday.

According to Jen Cox, a campaign adviser for Biden in Arizona, the issue of abortion bans has become a crucial factor in determining the outcome of the election in battleground states.

During a call with reporters before Biden’s visit to Florida, Michael Tyler, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign, emphasized the track record of success for abortion rights, stating that “they’ve won” every time they’ve been on the ballot.

Tyler mentioned in a previous statement that Florida will hold a referendum on the ballot in November, and it is highly possible that Arizona and Nevada will follow suit. He pointed out that back in 2012, when there was an abortion referendum on the ballot, President Barack Obama emerged as the winner in the state. With the Biden-Harris campaign’s significant financial advantage, they have the ability to invest in various strategies to secure victory, including focusing on Florida.

As the November elections approach, several states, including Arizona, Florida, and Nevada, will have abortion initiatives on their ballots. The Biden campaign has been highlighting the potential dangers Republicans pose to abortion access.

Democrats see the issue as a rallying point for their base and a crucial factor in winning over swing voters.

During his speech in Florida on Tuesday, Biden’s comments on abortion were particularly noteworthy, considering his complex stance on the issue due to his devout Catholic faith.

Last year, he openly admitted that he wasn’t a supporter of abortion. However, he emphasized that the landmark Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade, made the right decision. He acknowledged that the ruling, which generally permits abortions up until the second trimester, aligned with the consensus among the majority of religious beliefs.

Some Democrats have encouraged Biden to speak more forcefully.

In a January interview on CBS’ “Face The Nation,” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer expressed her belief that it would be beneficial for Biden to discuss abortion more.

Instead, President X has relied heavily on Vice President Kamala Harris to serve as the primary spokesperson for the campaign.

In January, she embarked on a “Reproductive Freedom Tour” and wasted no time in heading to Arizona following the state’s Supreme Court decision to uphold a nearly 160-year-old abortion ban.

Biden’s visit to Florida on Tuesday highlights the Democrats’ cautious optimism about their chances of reclaiming the state in the upcoming November elections. Despite previous defeats in 2020 and 2016, Democrats believe that they have a real shot at victory this time around. It is worth noting that Republicans have experienced a string of significant wins in Florida, particularly with the emergence of Governor Ron DeSantis.

Republicans interviewed by ABC News downplayed the Democrats’ enthusiasm, highlighting the GOP’s recent success in local elections and the Democrats’ unsuccessful messaging on abortion in previous elections.

Evan Power, the chair of the Florida GOP, expressed his confidence in the six-week ban, stating that it aligns with the expectations of the voters. He believes that the legislators have successfully fulfilled their mandate in delivering on this issue and does not anticipate any backlash as a result.

The Biden campaign, however, remains optimistic, asserting that they perceive this situation as an opportunity.

Tyler, in a recent statement to reporters, expressed the significance of the president’s visit to the state tomorrow. He emphasized that this visit is not just for show but rather a crucial opportunity to address the important issues at stake for women in Florida and throughout the nation. Tyler further dismissed any claims that Donald Trump has a guaranteed victory in the state, asserting that such notions are far from reality.

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