Biden takes the lead over Trump in recent polling for the first time in almost a year

According to the latest average of polls by The Hill/Decision Desk HQ (DDHQ), President Biden is now leading former President Trump for the first time since October.

According to DDHQ’s average of 685 polls, President Biden is leading ahead of Trump by a narrow margin of 0.1 percentage points. Biden currently has 45 percent support, while Trump trails closely behind with 44.9 percent in a likely 2024 match-up.

On Sunday, the countdown to Election Day in November reached the six-month mark. Recent polls indicate that Joe Biden is leading by a narrow margin. According to the I&I/TIPP Insights poll, Biden is ahead by 2 points, while the Reuters/Ipsos poll puts him 1 point ahead. Similarly, the latest ABC News/Ipsos poll also shows Biden leading by 1 point.

According to the average of polls conducted by The Hill/DDHQ, when independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is included in the polling, Trump is leading by 1.1 percentage points. The data from 144 polls included in the average reveals that Trump has 41.2 percent support, Biden has 40.1 percent support, and Kennedy has 8.5 percent support.

Biden has been facing difficulties in closing the gap with Trump, particularly in battleground states where recent polls indicate Trump’s lead.

Donald Trump is currently leading Joe Biden by 3.3 percentage points in Michigan, 3.1 percentage points in Wisconsin, and 0.7 percentage points in Pennsylvania.

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