Atlanta’s Jamaican Consulate provides assistance to Jamaica during hurricane crisis

In Metro Atlanta, individuals are providing essential supplies to Jamaica, despite the distance between the two locations. Thousands of miles apart, this act of kindness demonstrates the generosity and compassion of people from all walks of life.

The country is currently being affected by Hurricane Beryl, which is bringing along with it strong winds, storm surges, and destructive waves.

During this difficult time, Audrey Washington from Channel 2 had a chance to speak with Elaine Bryan from the Jamaican Consulate of Atlanta. Elaine was in the process of reaching out to her loved ones back in Jamaica to ensure their safety as the situation was uncertain.

“Hello, Mrs. Campbell. This is Bryan calling you from the consulate,” Bryan greeted Marva Campbell over the phone on a Wednesday.

Bryan inquired about the state of affairs in Jamaica from Campbell, asking, “How’s everything in Jamaica?”

In the early afternoon on Wednesday, Marva Campbell, the Deputy Consul General of Jamaica, provided an explanation of the current conditions.

According to Campbell, there is rain in Kingston, but it is not too heavy. However, in certain areas of St. Mary and Portland, there is a significant amount of wind and rain.

By late Wednesday afternoon, the conditions had undergone a change.

Washington was informed by Bryan that she had been receiving phone calls from Jamaican Americans residing in Metro Atlanta expressing their concerns.

Bryan explained that one woman had listed all her family members and requested him to keep in touch with her in case anything happens to them. They act as conduits to convey all the updates to the community in Georgia.

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Bryan collaborated with various partners, including Delta Airlines, to gather boxes of supplies in an effort to aid Jamaica.

Bryan listed off the essentials, including drinks, snacks, and emergency medical supplies.

Bryan expressed his concern for the underserved population who may not have proper construction in their homes, like zinc roofs or may be living in non-permanent structures.

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