Alexei Rodriguez Also Connected to Another Incident in April

According to the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office, Alexei Rodriguez faced multiple charges in connection with different incidents. On Friday, May 24, he was arraigned and charged with defacing property, larceny under $1,200, damaging property to intimidate, two counts of assault to intimidate, two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon, and two counts of a civil rights violation.

According to the prosecutor, on Monday, May 21, the Newton police were summoned to the 333 Nahanton St. center in response to reports of Rodriguez ripping blue ribbons from the trees that adorned the property.

Authorities have connected him to an incident on April 30, where he allegedly accelerated and veered towards two young males who were wearing yarmulkes while walking along Alderwood road. During the incident, it is reported that Rodriguez had a Palestinian flag displayed on his SUV.

Rodriguez’s bail has been set at $500 by the judge, who also mandated that he wear a GPS monitoring device. Additionally, he has been ordered to maintain a distance from the community center, the victims, and all synagogues in Newton, as stated by the prosecutor.

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