Alabama parents gain authority to monitor student curriculum in upcoming school year

Governor Kay Ivey has officially signed the “Parents right to know” bill, which aims to provide parents with greater access to their children’s school curriculum. As a result, starting next semester, schools throughout the state will be obligated to make their curriculum available online.

Parents will have the opportunity to view a daily list of topics that will be covered in their child’s classes.

According to William Tunnell, the Regional Manager of the Alabama Education Association (AEA), his own children often come home from school claiming they haven’t learned anything. However, Tunnell knows that this is not true. He believes that by being able to see what his children are learning at school, he can better assist them with their education at home.

According to Tunnell, the bill presents a chance to actively involve parents in their children’s education.

Tunnell expressed his appreciation for increased parental involvement in schools, considering it a positive development.

The AEA showed its support for state legislators who passed the bill. According to Tunnell, he is confident that once parents have access to the complete curriculum, they will not have any concerns about what their children are learning.

According to Tunnell, Alabama has been at the forefront of conservative policy when it comes to the curriculum taught in schools. He believes that providing transparency regarding what is being taught, or more importantly, not taught, can help people understand that Alabama is different from what they may hear or read about in other states.

The bill also provides a structure for parents to communicate with their child’s teacher, allowing them to inquire about the content being taught. Parents have the right to request access to instructional materials and books that are accessible to students in the classroom.

Tunnell encourages parents to bring any questions they have about their child’s curriculum to the school. According to her, the school is there to provide answers and support for parents in such matters.

Tunnell was asked by News 19 whether he believed that the legislation would result in increased workload for teachers. In response, he stated that he does not anticipate such a scenario. According to the bill, teachers will only be affected if a parent expresses concerns regarding the curriculum being taught in their child’s class.

The passing of this legislation marks another milestone in the ongoing effort to empower parents. Just a few weeks ago, Governor Ivey took a significant step by signing the CHOOSE Act, which ensures that parents can utilize tax dollars to enroll their children in a school that best meets their needs.

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